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Hello, misfits. How are you doing? 

So anyway,  I just wanted to put this out there so everyone will know.


Truth is,  I just don't think I want to date anyone else in the meantime.  No one that interest me. 

I know this probably seems extremely bitter,  but if it does you obviously don't know me. 

On a happier note...

I met a new friends today. His name is Misha and he's 10 years old.

I was in the barber shop and this little boy just randomly told me he liked my haircut,  of course I said thanks.

I thought this would be the end of the conversation, of course it wasn't.

Him: What's your name?

Me: Elijah.

Him: *waiting for me to ask him his name* Well my name is Misha.

Me: Cool name.

Him: *smile* Thanks. Do you want to be my friend?

I was going to say no for the soul reason that he sounded like a creepy ass doll that came to life. 

Then I realized that little kids always ask first.

Me: *smile* I would be delighted to be your friend.

Then he practically told me his life story. Kind of like what I'm doing right now. 

Also, sorry this story updated weirdly.

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