Ahold of what they came

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"Look at it go."

The fish had done a very un-fishy thing, and had levitated into the sky in a jittery manor.


"Is it okay?"

"It's a fish, Pearl."

"I know that!"



"I dare you to slap it!"

"Alright." Etho responded to Impulse's dare.

He stepped forwards out from the light of the campfire, towards the floating fish. At a close enough range, he lightly threw out his arm to slap the poor creature.

His arm made no contact with the creature; the fish was suddenly back in the water, swimming around as if nothing happened.

"I did it." Etho laughed as he returned.

"How do fish even do that?" Pearl asked, thoroughly bewildered.

Basically everyone in the campsite shrugged, for lack of a better answer.

"Alright, keep your secrets." Pearl laughed, and the rest of them soon joined her.

Pearl and Bdubs had gotten there the other day, asking for help to translate a letter.

The letter was in galactic, which none of them could read, but they promised to help the duo find someone who could.

"Hey, I'm gonna sit on a ledge to keep watch for like-" Etho announced to the group, which really needed a name other than 'the group.' "Rabbits or something."

"Good luck on your rabbit watching!" Impulse wished him.

With similar phrases of acknowledgment echoing across the campsite, he found it suitable to travel to said ledge and launch himself safely onto its surface.

There was pretty much nothing but rabbits for a little ways.

I think I found the rabbits.


Beef looked out over the edge of the cliff, trying to spot Pearl and Bdubs, but he couldn't see that far.

"Whatcha looking for?" Gem asked behind him.

"I'm trying to see where my friends went, but the ledge is too far down."

"Ah, well," Gem started again. "I have a quick something to tell you."

"Hm-?" Beef hummed.

"I think you might be the person the great Tevinte asked me to find." Gem said while moving her hands quite a lot.

"How so?"

"Well, they said that the person I was to look for would be in the old tower, by an ashen nook, and you were pretty much right there." Gem pointed to the tower behind them. The scorched bricks were only on the inside, but Beef knew what she was talking about.

"Oh, no," Beef denied. "That can't be me, it's probably Pearl or Bdubs, they're much more notable than I."

"No, I'm sure it's you." Gem insisted.

"Well, I'd you insist."

The conversation slowed down, and the newfound silence was shattered by a rumble of the earth.


Pixlriffs was looking around at the scenery of the beautiful, however humid it is, marshes that spread into the ocean, especially beautiful with the frozen castle just barely visible on the horizon.

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