♡Chapter- 21♡

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The night was too short for them. At the first they decided to spend time with each other but then thought they should take rest.

At the Airport

Abhi - Sid faisu take care don't worry about anything. If any problem call me. Don't talk with strangers. And sleep early wake up early practice daily.  Don't be overconfident. Consider everyone as your best competitor.

Vaish- calm down abhi, they are no more five year kids.  They are grown up now.  They know how to take care of themselves. Not like you.

Abhi - from where did I came in between all these.

Vaish - you keep quiet.

Avni - Di not fair you always scold dada. He is so innocent don't trouble you still why? You know he didn't even touched your ice cream yesterday and didn't even spilled it on his t shirt.

Vaish - Abhi, you idiot you ate my ice-cream, you wait till we get back to home.

Sid- Angel take care, I will message once I reach there. Any problem message me okay?  Don't trouble dada and Di.

Avni - Calm down banda,  I won't trouble them, happy?  You have to win the competition otherwise I will kill you.

She hugged him tightly and whispered I will miss you Maddo. To which Sid responded by hugging her more tightly and said I will miss you more Angel.

Jan too hugged faisu and then Sid. After the long goodbye session. Sid and faisu left as the announcement was made.

The rest went back to the Mansion.

Anika and shiv were again on their business trip. Yesterday only sid talked to them about the competition asking for permission from them, somewhere he wished they would deny. But they happily agreed wished him luck.

As they entered the mansion Abhinavi were fighting over a ice cream. Vaish was running behind him. She tripped over something and was about to fall but was saved by her hero Abhi.

They both were lost in each other

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They both were lost in each other.While Jan was lost in her thoughts watching Abhinavi like this.

Jan's pov

I don't know why wish I was at the place of Vaish Di and faisu in the place of Dada. I wish we were also lost in each other. His sharp features make me loose myself. I wonder what he feels for me. I don't know why but I think I have got a crush on him maybe.
Leave that I will scratch his face if I got to know he is flirting with the girl there. He and his flirting habits. I swear I will kill him. I wish our college wins.

End of the pov

Avni was trying not to miss her bandar. Although he just left and moreover it is not also a day without him. She is sad.

Jaireem noticed avni and jan sad. They knew the reason but these two acted stupid.  They saw abhinavi coming back to the living room.

Jai - guys what about we have too have a competition?

Re - Amazing idea chuhe, but which competition?

Vaish- what about a painting competition?

Avni - I am ready I will only win. You guys wait and watch.

Abhi - yes my princess or I will be winning so guys if you want to back off you can.

Vaish - Excuse me Mr.  Nigam you always lose when you compete with me did you forget?

Abhi - ab that is because I let you win.  ( that is true I let her win. How can I miss the heart melting expression of hers when she wins, her eyes enlarge in happiness everytime she wins. Her beautiful smile is worth of losing every game, every competition.)

Vaish- Was this the best excuse you came up with abhi?

Abhi - I am not giving excuses.

Jan - Stop it guysss, let us begin I am very excited.

Jan always loved painting. She was more than excited to win.

Re - Do one thing jai you Judge as you don't know how to paint.

Avni - Are how he will Judge, if he don't know how to paint? Dada you accompany him in judging and you bhoot you assist Dada.

Jai - bhootni from when I became bhoot?

Avni- You called me bhootni, wait till I tell this to bandar he will beat your ass off.

Jai - My Sister dear why would you do that?

Avni- you better watch your back bhoot .

Jai just rolled his eyes and thought to shut up if he will speak more sid will definitely not spare him.

Abhi - Guys till the time you guys paint me is going to eat something because I am hungry.

Jai - I will be joining you because I am also hungry.

Vaish and Reem - when you are not hungry?

They both spoke simultaneously.

Then looked at each other and chuckled.

Jan has already started deciding what she is going to paint while here Avni is pulling jai's hair in order to irritate him. But that poor guy is afraid of Sid to do anything to her.

Jan - Guysss let's go.

Saying this she excitedly ran to the drawing room, followed by Avni who slapped jai and ran, and then by Vaishu Who was dragged by Reem because our Dada and Di were too engrossed studying each others eyes.

Then Abhi and Jai went to the kitchen to search for the food as the predators search for their prey.

On the other side

Sid and Faisu were sitting beside each other comfortably on the plane doing nothing just lost in the thoughts.

Faisu's pov

These days Jan is behaving weird.  Today I saw her looking at me continuously, not that I mind but I wonder why so? I was so shocked when she asked me to stay away from the girls when she is not around and warned me not to use my great flirting skills which she thinks are good for nothing. She is just jealous of my flirting skills maybe.
But I feel so happy when she sounds jealous sometimes. I love irritating her.  Her expressions are amazing. How beautiful she looks when she smiles.

What I am thinking I should sleep or will go mad thinking about it.

End of the pov

That is it for today

QOTD :- what irritates you the most?

Till then

Signing off

Your Author, Arya

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