♡Chapter - 36♡

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QOTD:- "It hurts when you go through something that kills you inside. But you have to act like it doesn't affect you at all"

let's continue

Avni's Pov

I am thrilled for my dear friends Dada and Di. Di's happiness is contagious, and I am glad she found someone who will take care of her and never leave her. When he left, we were all heartbroken, including Momsie and Popsie. Although we are gradually moving on, I can't help but feel a tinge of sadness.

And why not irritate my bandar? I barged into his room but couldn't find him. I was about to leave when I heard shuffling noises from the washroom. He must be in there. I decided to wait. After some time, I heard the washroom door click. I quickly stood against the door to scare him before he saw me.

As the door opened before I could scare him my eye widened in shock. And forget about scaring him I could not even utter a word.

End of the pov

Sid's Pov

Today, I couldn't finish my morning workout, so I completed it just now. After sweating, I took a shower and went to the mirror to dry my hair. While doing so, I saw Angel in my room. I was about to turn around and acknowledge her presence, but her expression stopped me.

 I was about to turn around and acknowledge her presence, but her expression stopped me

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m...y is she checking me out? I won't miss this opportunity. Then I noticed I was just in my towel and she was looking at me like she had never seen me like this before. I turned around and moved towards her slowly. She didn't seem to notice me yet. Too busy in her thoughts.

Sid - Not a fair angel, my face is upright here.

She seems to come out of her daze and realized what she was doing. She took a step back which I didn't like and looked into my eyes. I took a step towards her and this time she didn't step back but took a step towards me.

Avni- why work out Bandar if there is no one to see them?

She said pointing at my abs. I was taken aback. Is she flirting with me? no no, it must be a dream. I touched her cheeks and she involuntarily leaned towards my hand no doubt this was not a dream. I was speechless, too surprised how to react.

Avni - Don't you think your abs deserve more attention than your monkey face?

Sid - What is wrong with my face?

I frowned getting offended. She liked my abs more than my face. should stop working out? so all her attention is on my face wait what I am even thinking?

Avni - Nothing wrong, actually it is the most handsome face I have ever seen. but I don't want anyone else to see this.

She is definitely high on something maybe the chocolates I gave her last night.

Sid - so you want others to look at my abs?

The smirk which settled on her lips so gracefully vanished in seconds and she frowned.

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