♡Chapter - 27♡

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Qotd:- It's funny how a person can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces.

So let's start

In the Mansion.

After returning from the college attending the hectic day, Everyone were tired and hungry. Especially Abhi first of all when he is not hungry and day felt more long with that donkey in the same class of his and vaishnavi continuously giving googly eyes to her and he protecting her in every way possible. Sometimes he thinks vaish may not have brotherly feelings towards him at how he protects her, he brushed off the horrible thought and slapped himself for thinking something this stupid. They fresh and up themselves and thought to rest for a bit.

In Vaishnavi 's Room

She was sleeping peacefully when she felt tender touch on her forehead. She opened her eyes and sighed deeply. She saw the most gorgeous pairs of eyes, she's ever seen. She saw Abhi in her room admiring her without blinking his eyes with a cute little smile on his face. They both were lost in each others eyes.

When she suddenly realized she got quickly fixing her dress and hairs and questioned him.

Vaish - What are you doing here Abhi?

Abhi - Admiring this beauty in front of me, (so beautiful he murmured. Still lost in her)

Vaish blushes and then controlled herself brushing off the romantic thoughts running across her head. She really needs to stop watching romantic movies with her so called best friend she thought.

Vaish - Abhi why are you here this time? I am telling you, I am not going to watch any of the movies now I have homework to complete and incomplete work too. Just because of you.

Abhi - Excuse me miss Rao, what are you saying, because of me and don't worry no movies for today.

Vaish - ya just cause of you, you forgot you were the one who is reason behind my bunking college which led to incomplete work.

Abhi - About that, my work is incomplete too, would you miss Rao would like to help me out.

Vaish - I'll but what happened to you. So romantic today?

Abhi - ya there is someone special who occupied my mind since morning.

Vaish felt unknown jealousy towards the girl who is messing up with her best friend today. She huffed angrily and said.

Vaish - Go and ask her to help with your homework, otherwise you will keep thinking and talking about her and would disturb me too.

Abhi - leave that have this, I brought you snacks.

Before Vaish could protest he fed her snacks along with the continuous bickering of her about the unknown girl.

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