♡Chapter - 22♡

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QOTD :- Loving someone who don't love you back but still makes you feel loved, hurts.

So let's start

Sid and Faisu's side

Faisu thought to sleep and here Sid was also lost in his deep thoughts.

Sid's Pov

I have never traveled alone. No one let me, actually now also I have faisu with me. But this is the first time I am traveling without Dada Di and Angel.  It's not even half an hour I left them,  I already started to miss them. I am so sure from next time no matter what I am not going to travel without them. I really wonder how much I am depended on them. I mean it is very difficult to ignore the emptiness in my heart I am feeling right now. I am very worried about my Angel how she is going to handle everything I know every one else is there but still who is going to wake her up and feed her. Shit I should have refused. But now I can't do anything, let me message her. I opened my phone to message angel but my wallpaper caught my attention.

 I opened my phone to message angel but my wallpaper caught my attention

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This picture was candid by Di, she found it cute and sent me.  I kept it as a wallpaper and never changed since. How pretty Angel is looking. She always does though. I am really shocked how can she manage to melt my heart every fucking time I see her even if she is crying or sleeping no matter she always make my heart go crazy.
I should not feel this way I know she is my best friend and we can have nothing more than it. But why I mean we are together since childhood why can't we be together till death do us apart. I am ready to spend my whole life with her.
But what about her, what if she doesn't feel the same. I don't know what she feels about me. I don't even know what I exactly feel about her. What if she started to like somebody else. I can never imagine. Oh god help me.

End of the Pov

Thinking all these he too slept.

On the other side.

All were eagerly waiting for the grand entrance of their not so punctual judges.

Jannat thought these people were never going to come. So she decided to drag them here.

When she entered the kitchen she saw abhi and jai were watching some random you tube channel and were laughing like kids. She glared at them and dragged them along with her.  They both sacredly took all snacks they could carry and followed Jan like lost puppies fearing she would scratch their faces.

Abhi - okay so let's start the competition.

Abhi declared unintrestingly munching his chips. He had no interest now cause he was not participating.

Vaish rolled her eyes and Avni was busy in pouring her paints in the palate. Where as jannat already started painting.

Jai - so the rules are...

Reem cutted him off in between and said shut up no rules. We will just paint what we want to okay now keep quiet and let me paint peacefully other wise I will paint your face.

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