♡Chapter - 35♡

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QOTD :- You have no idea how much I want to talk to you like how we used to.

So let's start

Next Day

Abhi's Pov

I woke up late today due to yesterday's night out at the club it was tiring man. I danced a lot with vaishnavi and I am sure she must tired too. How beautiful she was looking in my arms.

She was looking gorgeous yesterday. She do always no doubt.

I got freshed up and dressed myself in casuals. And went towards her room. She was not their maybe already up. I went downs stairs and I was confused due to unusual hustle bustle in n the house. I think some clients are coming today.

All were seated on the dinning table awfully quiet today what happened to everyone?

I sat beside Vaishnavi she was looking down she never did looked at me for even one time. And continued to play with her food. Fainnat and Jaireem were silently having their breakfast. Sidneet were whispering something with frown on their foreheads.

What is happening?  Before I could ask anybody about it. Mumma Papa came down stairs and got seated to their seats at the dinning.

Shiv - Kids I know you are tensed but calm down, nothing will happen.

Anika- Abhi, only you don't know but please listen carefully before reacting okay?

I just nodded my head being confused. But I don't know why I am having bad vibes about this.

Shiv - You remember, Mr. Mishra?

Abhi - yeah I know him.

Anika - You know his elder son Aarav?

I nodded, his elder son has always being example of perfect son and brother. He is talented with good looks.

Anika - They are coming here today. And we Decided to accept the proposal they sent for our Vaishnavi.

Abhi - Which proposal? And what it is to do with her?

Shiv - a marriage proposal, Mr Mishra said Aarav likes Vaishnavi form so many years now. So they sent us proposal to accept.

I dropped the spoon I had in my hand and just stared at vaishnavi. No this is just a dream open your eyes Abhishek.

Anika - Don't worry Aarav is a nice guy. He will take care of our vaishnavi so well. I know him since he was a kid.

Abhi - How can you accept the proposal? Is it her age to get married?

Shiv - Only Engagement will take place and when vaish will be ready then only we will agree for marriage.

I got numb and didn't knew what to do. I can't let this happen. I can't loose her. I love her and she only belong with me.

Abhi - How can you guys decide everything on your own? Have you asked her if she is ready.

Anika - Abhi we can't force her into anything we are just securing her future. And she agreed to meet him once so what's a big deal in that.

I got up from the table and banged my hands on it.

Abhi - She won't do the Engagement.

Vaish - why won't I?

She asked me looking directly in my eyes. She wants to marry him too? No I can't let her. She spoke for the first time and looked at me for the first time today. I will let her marry if she is ready. I am no one to stop her. But without letting her know what I feel is not right I will tell her.

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