♡Chapter - 23♡

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QOTD:- Whenever my best friend is absent in the school.
I be like - 5% ~ I hope she is okay. - 95% ~ How dare you leave me alone.

So let's start

Author's Pov

It is being 2 days Sid and faisu are out of station. 2 days since Avni is not eating and sleeping properly. 2 days since competition had begun and first round was cleared by both sid and faisu.

These two days were really hectic for the boys. They got their helping hand. What I mean manager like person to help them out with practice and their outfits.

Introducing Anushka Sen

She will be creating havoc in sidneet's life

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She will be creating havoc in sidneet's life. Maybe a beautiful one?

Sidneet frequently calls each other and if not possible at least message each other after every 2 hours. Guys understand they can't leave without each other.

Today from the morning it is noon but Sid nor did called avni nor did messaged her. Not even replied her messages nor call back.

At the start she panicked but when Jannat told her that faisu called her and they were practicing together she breathed a sigh of relief.

Avni tried to calm down and make herself understand that her bandar was not ignoring her just was busy in practice. Thus thought not to disturb him further. But she was still restless and worried. She was just hoping he could reply back.

Seeing Avni so lost and sad abhinavi were also worried.

Jannat whereas tried to ask faisu whether sid is busy or not.

Jannat got a shocking answer. Faisu replied that Sid from the morning after practice is with anushka and still he is with her only.

Jannat was angry at Sid. At least he could reply back to the messages she thought. Here avni was sad and he did not cared. She did not believed sid could do this.

She thought it is better not to tell anyone about it and asked faisu to inform Sid to call here.

Jannat was lost in deep thoughts.

They were currently sitting in a college canteen having lunch.

Vaish was feeding Avni . After a cute fight and shared hundreds of eye locks abhinavi came to the conclusion that vaish will feed avni in the morning and abhi at night.

After the lunch they all went to their respective classes.

In abhinavi's class

Abhinavi entered the class and took their seat. One student came running and informed all of them that the class is cancelled for today.

Abhinavi were so lazy to exit the class with the rushing kids. So they thought to leave after a while.

Abhi dragged vaish till the board and started to write random names and drawings.

One of their classmates who had a serious crush on vaish was also present their.

He thought it was a great opportunity to impress his beauty with brains aka vaish.

Abhi too knew about this stupid and his stupid crush on his vaishu. As abhi saw that boy coming towards them he quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his chest and brought his lips towards her ears. 

Vaish was too dumb at that moment to understand anything. She was already very confused about what she feels for abhi and now this closeness was really affecting her.

She breathed a heavy breathe when his lips touched her ears and he softly whispered just play along.

She then looked in those mesmerising eyes who indicated the boy behind them.

She understood but suddenly felt sad. She wanted this to be genuine. Vaish removed all these thoughts out of her head and did what she was asked to. She played along and tried to tease Abhi.

She encircled her arms around his neck and hugged him before pulling back but not completely and kissed his cheek so near to his lips.

She looked at him to capture his reaction.

He was so affected and not in his senses when she kissed him. Why not on the lips he thought.

Suddenly he imagined what would her lips feel like. Would it taste like a candy.

He pulled her more closer. Now completely unaware of that stupid stranger. They both were lost in each other forgetting about the surrounding and that their PDA put on the show for the complete class. Don't ask me how gossips and news spreads like fire.

They both came out of their dreamland when that stupid stranger faked cough

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They both came out of their dreamland when that stupid stranger faked cough.

Abhi glared at him and dragged vaish out of the class room.
Who was so busy in blushing and trying to hide her red cheeks from everyone.

Abhinavi looked at each other and burst into fits of laughter.

Abhi scratched back of his neck and asked his beautiful best friend to bunk the rest of the college and join him to the nearby park so they could avoid all the teasings. He forwarded his hand to her.

It was just an excuse, these days they were not able to spend their quality time. Quality time referring to just their best friends  without anything more time.

He thought why I am sounding and behaving like her boyfriend. He cleared the thought of vaish and that stupid going out on a date which he also don't know how did came to his stupid brain.

(Guys he agreed he had a stupid brain
Abhi - shut up author and continue or else
Okay whatever stupid )

Vaish accepted his hand while still trying to hide her blush.

She did not know why the fuck she was blushing so much. It is not like she going to marry now. Wait it is not even a date he asked to join for. Just a best friends hangout. She secretly wished it to be something more.

They both after sometime informing others went to the near by park.

Where they both teased each other about what happened a while ago behaving like best friends and then blushing foolishly just like couples would do. 

Don't you guys think something something?

These two are really unpredictable just now who were blushing and teasing each other are now fighting like dog and a cat.

Vaish running behind Abhi to beat him.

Inka to chalte rahega ( this will keep going on)

But you guys tell me how was the chapter.

Entry of anushka was expected?

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Till then
Signing off
Your Author, Arya

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