♡Chapter - 40♡

305 34 43

QOTD: "I adore you the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you make me smile, and the way you make me laugh."

Author's Pov

Early in the morning, everyone including Jaireem were waiting for Sidneet to come outside of the room.

Here Avni stirred in her sleep and moved her leg, but regretted it shortly after she did because her leg hit the wall. She groaned and tried to open her eyes with a headache. When she could finally open them she looked around to see she was sleeping on the floor alone and the thing she hit was not a wall but a bed. She got up and jumped on the bed but bumped into someone. She freaked thinking as if there was a thief and screamed loudly. But she screamed again when the supposed-to-be thief screamed too.

Siddharth who was sleeping peacefully like a starfish on Avni's bed probably kicked off her from the bed in his sleep. He woke up in a panic when someone jumped on him. Before he could react the person screamed and he thought someone was attacking he screamed too. He opened his eyes only to look at the beautiful chocolate ones which he loved since childhood. She was looking at him wide-eyed. He smiled at her but soon groaned as his head hurt.

Outside the room, everyone was waiting for them to open the door which was never locked but they did not know that. They all heard a series of screams and started to knock on the door. Jai was the most excited one he wanted to watch the video that Jannat recorded but everyone ignored him not even bothering to reply. He was eating a doughnut still in front of everyone to know what was happening inside.

Before anyone could know what happened there sat Jai holding his nose and Abhi who caught his doughnut and started to eat. Reem was busy on her phone but when she saw her phone on the ground she was beyond shocked to even say something. Vaishnavi who was painting her nails glared at Abhi and went near Jai to help him up. Faisu ran towards Jannat to protect her. He was playing the role of protective boyfriend too seriously. Jannat was the only one who saw the door burst open and Sid ran out of her room and ran towards his room. It happened in a flash but she was sure it would have been recorded only if Faisu had not pulled her a little too harshly.

Avneet didn't know what happened they both stared at each other probably getting flashes of last night. One moment she saw he was smiling like a fool and another moment running like a headless chicken out of her room. She peeked out of her room door and everyone looked at her smirking. Abhi still finishing Jai's doughnut and Jai still holding his probably bruised nose. She still wondered how could they smirk doing that. She quickly closed the door and locked it from inside, she went to take a shower and get out of the uncomfortable clothes.

Reem screamed loudly calling Siddharth's name and ran to his room banging the door. She had a broken phone now with a broken heart. No, broken heart because her phone was broken. Jannat got out of Faisu's grip and went towards Reem Faisu following behind. Abhi finally finished his doughnuts and cleaned his hands with Jai's hoodie who glared at him. Vaishnavi studied his nose and there was a scratch just below his nose. All were now in the dining hall for breakfast and they saw Sidneet coming downstairs and everyone smirked.

Avneet and Sidhharth finally released what they actually did last night and were too shy to even talk about what happened. They both were heading downstairs when they saw each other passing awkward smiles to each other. They both took their seats and started eating. After a very awkward breakfast, they both were heading to their respective rooms before Jannat stopped them. She told them she recorded the vlog yesterday and everyone was going to watch it. so insisted them to watch it too. All agreed and went to the home theatre. All took their seats when Sid pulled Avni beside him and she looked at him questioningly in response to that he just scratched the back of his head not really knowing how to reply. She blushed profusely and that didn't go unnoticed by him which made him smile more.

Everyone was seated accordingly and Jannat started the video. It was fun at the start but funnier when Sidneet were drunk. Sidneet were more embarrassed than shocked after watching the video. Avni hid her face in Sidhharth's shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her. He was now sure about both of their feelings and wanted nothing but to confess to her. He took her hands and looked at her she nodded and they both ran out of their holding hands. Abhinavi adored them including Fainnat whereas Jaireem were still busy laughing. Sidneet reached to Sid's room. They both looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Sid - Aeroplane? (He asked laughing.)

Avni - Whatever but what about Yes Ma'am? ( She asked laughing )

Sid - What about our honeymoon Miss Kaur? ( He said now smirking at her taking some steps closer to her )

Avni - Before that we have to kiss, Remember Mr. Nigam? ( she said pulling him closer to her )

Sid - Want to try it beautiful? ( He asked totally lost in the moment )

Avni just hummed in response and She kissed him gently he responded and leaned more into her touch. He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer and her hands made their way to his messy hair to mess it more. He felt her soft and warm lips over his own in a very addicting way. Their heart beat fast experiencing these new feelings for the very first time. Both of their lips moved in the sink. The kiss expressed their love and passion towards each other. They both pulled away out of breath and smiled at each other. Avneet hugged him feeling too shy to look at him although it was her to initiated it.

They pulled away and she said it. She said what she was eagerly waiting for since she accepted it. She confessed her love to him. She looked into his eyes waiting for a reply.

Avni - I love you, Siddharth. I love you with all my heart.

Sid - I love you too Angel so much that you could not even imagine.

They joined their heads together just feeling each other's presence and that's what they wanted at the moment. Happiness was something they couldn't express how much they felt.

Isn't it amazing the feeling you have when you love someone and he reciprocates the same for you? Won't you feel like the happiest person alive at that moment? There is more to their story, not just happy moments but sad ones following too, but what made them happy was they never left each other's side. He was hers and She was his. From the moment he saw her, she was his and now She would be ALWAYS HIS.


Thank you so much for supporting me throughout the story.

It was my first time writing and I am really grateful to all my readers who read my story and commented what they felt.

Hope you enjoyed the story and don't worry Epilogue is on the way.

Till Then

Signing Off

Your Author, Arya

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