♡Chapter - 34♡

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QOTD:- A person who always disturbs you is the person who always loves you.

Let's continue

After having breakfast everyone gathered in the living room. Shivika was out doing some business. Not some business but on a romantic date.

Avni - Sid - Jai - Reem - Jannat - Faisu - Abhi - Vaish - Avni.

They sat in a circle thinking about what to play. More like wondering how time passes. Not wondering actually doing nothing but time pass.

Sidharth was irritating Avneet by pulling her hair and tickling her acting like he didn't do that. They both were in their own world.

Vaishnavi and Jannat were planning how to convince the boys to take them out shopping. Whereas Abhi was busy finishing the chips packets kept there. Who would say they just had their breakfast he ate like he had nothing for so many days. Faisu was busy playing games on his mobile phone. So engrossed in his playing that he didn't even notice Abhi stealing chips from his packet.

Jaireem was keenly discussing something. Like they were in some political meeting. Animatedly talking to each other. Don't know what was going on.

Jai - Guys listen...

No one except Jannat and Vaishnavi listened to him.

Reem - Guys, we have to tell you something.

Abhi finally seems to pay his half attention while eating chips and nodding his head signaling them to continue.

Re - Are you listening or not?

Reem yelled annoyed at their lack of concentration.

Sidneet sat straight keeping fingers on their lips. They didn't want to handle an angry Reem.

Abhi dropped his chips packet, due to which all the chips were directly on Vaish's dress on which she glared at him but smiled at Reem gesturing her to continue.

Jannat snatched Faisu's phone and kept it in her pocket. He tried to sneakily take it back but Reem glared at him. But all he could think was his rank which he will lose just because he now couldn't continue the game.

Jai - So, I wanted to tell you guys about...

Abhi - No, no let Reem speak first then you can continue what you have to speak.

Jai - I want to say the same...

Vaish - Jai don't rush, let her speak, please.

Reem signaled Jai to keep quiet and he nodded.

Re - Actually, I and Jai, I have to tell you something.

Avni - Go on, we are listening.

Sid - Hey fingers on your lips.

Sid said not liking Avni speaking in between their not to speak game. Without realizing he spoke too.

Reem glared at them and stopped the battle which was going to start.

Jai - We wanted to tell you that I and Reemie are in a relationship since we passed out 12th standard.

Abhi - What? Why didn't you tell us before?

Reem - Because we were not sure if we are going to work out or not. So it was just a try at this. But now I am sure I love him a lot.

Reem said blushing hardcore. Jai smiled agreeing to whatever she said.

Vaish - I always had a doubt. By the way congrats guys.

Jannat - Not a surprise, I knew you both liked each other. It's just I thought you were also an idiot like Sidneet not to realize.

Sidneet's eyes widened but they chose to continue their game, as the winner would get a chocolate. It's not like others won't get to but still, who cares.

Avneet just thumbs up towards them 👍and Siddharth copied her actions in order to congratulate them.

Jaireem nodded smiling ignoring these two kids. Jai always wondered if they both are high on something. They always behaved like this when they ate chocolate. Sugar rush maybe? He noticed because they both never let him have the chocolate. Who knows what they add it in that they get high on it.

Faisu - Congratulations both of you. I am so happy, the second couple in our group.

Jai - How second we are first. Then what about the second?

Jannat smacked her own head and decided to tell them.

Jan - He is talking about himself and me. I mean we both are in a relationship.

Faisu - Don't worry guys just 2 days ago.

Vaish - Ohho congratulations to you.

Abhi - Jan you confessed when? And didn't told me about it?

Vaishreem - you knew? How.

Avni raised her hand. No one could understand what she had to say. Nor she was ready to speak so they let it slip.

Jan - that actually I told it to Avni and, Abhi bhai heard was there too. so...

She told everyone skipping the part where Abhi confessed he liked Vaishu and Abhi thanked her with an understanding smile.

Reem - Why didn't you share this with us, girl? This is not fair.

Jai - Yeah as if you shared.

Ree - You shut up, I am talking to her.

Jai - whatever...

Vaish - Guys, stop it's a happy day. Two couples in the group let's celebrate what say?

Sidneet - I am in.

Sidneet - You lost, you spoke first.

Sidneet - No you.

Sidneet - Oh shut up.

Abhinavi - Stop it guys.

And then it happened guessing what. Let me tell you about World War III between Sidneet. Starring competition between Abhinavi. I wonder how they are always lost in each other with the most irritating background noise.

And our couples thought to bunk the room and enjoy their quality time.

After I don't know how long Sidneet settled out and were now having chocolate. These two are definitely chocolate lovers. Abhinavi watching their TV show which is so silly and I don't know why they laugh like it's their last day on Earth.

In the Evening they went out to a restaurant and enjoyed themselves.

So that is it for today

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Till Then

Signing Off

Your Author, Arya

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