pitter-patter, pitter-patter

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Prapai wakes up with an annoyed groan at the sound of his morning alarm going off. The sound blares across the room a little too loud and too early in the morning for his liking. He immediately reaches an arm out for the said device and swipes a thumb across the screen to turn the alarm off, glancing briefly at the sleeping beauty beside him to make sure the noise earlier does not wake the said beauty up.

It's a Sunday morning and usually the both of them would opt to sleep in longer since neither Prapai nor Sky has work or class to attend to. But Prapai must have forgotten to turn off the daily alarm on his phone before he fell asleep last night.

A relieved sigh emitted from Prapai's lips as his lover lying next to his side only snuggles further into the thick blanket in his sleep. Looks like his Sky is having one of the best sleeps in his life, that even the blaring alarm just now doesn't seem to bother him at all.

Prapai shifts his gaze across the room towards the window with an unattractive yawn and his hand moves up to ruffle his messy bed hair. It looks dark outside, and he can hear the faint pitter patter sound of raindrops hitting his window lightly. Ahh – he thinks – this is nice weather to sleep in.

He stretches his stiff legs and rubs the grogginess off of his eyes before laying back down next to the sleeping beauty, body tilted to his side so he can face the said boy. His Sky has apparently turned to lay on his tummy with both of his hands curled into tiny little fists tucked underneath his pillow. His mouth slightly ajar as his face is squished onto the pillow. Prapai, very gently so as to not wake him up, brushes the strand of hair that's covering the boy's sleeping face and flashes a fond smile at the sight of his lover. His Sky.

Prapai is not much of a morning person, if he is to be frank. And his record of being tardy to the office more often than his secretary, Namtarn, would like can be the proof of it. It's fairly rare for him to wake up before Sky does in the morning. But when he does, he basks in the sight of Sky being deep asleep, glowing beautifully like a literal angel even in his sleeping state. Sky had brushed it off as "nonsense" when Prapai had voiced this thought out loud to Sky a few months ago, but there was a hint of redness on the boy's cheeks that made Prapai laugh in amusement before pressing a soft kiss onto each of them. Prapai finds it very endearing how easily flustered Sky is. His cheeks would instantly burn into various shades of red at the slightest compliment.

Today too, Sky's cheeks are painted in soft pink. Prapai thinks it reminds him of peaches. But Prapai is pretty sure that this time, it is the cold weather that is causing the pinkness of the younger boy's cheeks.

He rubs the pad of his thumb gently in circular motions against Sky's freezing cheek, receiving a small contented mewl from Sky that is barely audible as it gets muffled against the pillow. How cute. Prapai chuckles to himself as he carefully scoots closer to Sky, watching the sleeping beauty with the fondest gaze.

Months ago, a peaceful sleep like this is not something that would come to Sky easily – Prapai muses internally to himself. Memories of a certain someone from his past would always come to pay him an uninvited visit, wandering around in his still vulnerable mind and haunting him even in his slumber. The clicking sound of the damn brass lighter echoes in the background as every painful scene that he inflicted upon Sky replays over and over again in his dreams. Prapai would wake up to the most heart-wrenching screams and cries he has ever heard. He can feel his heart practically shatter into pieces at the sight of Sky tossing and thrashing violently in his sleep. The back of his shirt is drenched in cold sweat and his pillow damped with tears as he pitifully pleads and begs for the devil in his dream to stop.

Prapai would jump into action in an instant. Urgently shaking his angel awake to pull him out of his night terror, and then pulling him firmly to his chest like an achor to reality. Reassuring Sky that he is safe now. Reminding Sky over and over again that he will not be able to hurt Sky. Never again in Prapai's watch.

These days, the nightmares have seemed to reduce significantly, much to Prapai's relief. It takes a while for Prapai to convince Sky to seek professional help initially, but once he does agree, things seem to work out smoothly at the end and Prapai is very proud of every promising progress that Sky has been showing after all the sessions.

Prapai is snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Sky yawning. He watches with a wide grin plastered on his face as Sky slowly blinks his eyes open, squinting them a little to get his groggy eyes to properly focus on Prapai's face.

"Good morning, my angel." Prapai whispers softly and leans over to press a kiss onto the tip of Sky's nose.

"Phi Pai, y'woke up early t'day.'' Sky mumbles out, voice still thick with drowsiness that makes his words come out slurry. But Prapai knows Sky well, he's so used to his baby already that he can make out each and every word Sky slurred out easily by now.

Prapai hums softly with a little nod of his head as an answer. "Forgot to set the alarm off last night." Prapai says, earning him a small chuckle from Sky in return. The sound is so infectious that Prapai can't help but to laugh along with him.

Sky glances at Prapai for a brief second and Prapai parts his arms open out of instinct, in which Sky is more than happy to oblige so he slots himself into Prapai's arms. As the latter snakes his arms around Sky's smaller form, his heart bursts with giddiness at how perfectly Sky fits in his arms. We're really made for each other – Prapai thinks. You belong in my arms.

The pretty boy has his face buried snugly against Prapai's firm chest by now, and he inhales Prapai's scent deeply with a contented sigh – a habit of Sky that Prapai will always find endearing. He vividly remembers a sheepish Sky stuttering his way into reasoning that Prapai's scent brings him comfort.

"Comfy." Sky sighs out, making his older lover chuckle fondly. Prapai combs his lean fingers through Sky's soft locks and proceeds to massage his scalp, making the younger boy yawn against Prapai's chest.

They stay like that for some more extended minutes, revelling in the warmth radiating off of each other's body that's contrasting to the cold temperature of the room. Sky finds comfort in the sound of Prapai's steady heartbeat against his ear. He remembers Prapai tells him that his heart beats for Sky. And it makes Sky's own heart skip a beat. Prapai really has that effect on Sky.

The room eventually turns silent. They are still cuddled up in Prapai's luxurious king size bed, the only sounds audible are their calm steady breaths, and also the pitter-patter of raindrops slamming against the window that seems to be louder now, signaling that the rain is getting heavier.

We don't need words, Prapai thinks to himself, as long as we're together in each other's arms.

Soon enough, soft snores can be heard filling up the room as they both finally drifted back to sleep, bodies pressed up against each other underneath the thick cover seeking for warmth while it is raining cats and dogs outside.


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