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Penny woke up as the sun started seeping in through the window. For the first time in weeks, she didn't have a nightmare. Sitting up, she stretched out, seeing Peter was still asleep on the couch.

Getting up, she headed to the kitchen, needing some real american food and coffee, lots and lots of coffee.

'Hey..'.. She saw May in the corner, gesturing for her to follow. She made her way into May's room, and her aunt closed the door... 'I really think you should go see the Avengers. They can help you Pen, and they have all the resources that can help you find the ones that took you..'

Penny sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose... 'Not right now May. I will in time I promise, but for now, I just want to spend time with you both. I don't even know what I'm going to do about money..'

She paced about. She didn't think this part through... 'They would've closed my accounts, and my ID would be stamped deceased..'

'You don't have to worry about money..'... May told her... 'Peter has a Stark internship, and it actually comes with benefits, including money, a grant really. $500,000..'

'What? That's insane! No internship ever pays..'... She wondered if she really should go speak to Stark alone. Why was her brother even involved... 'Ok, I need to go out. Can I borrow some clothes? I need a decent shower..'

'Sure, yeah go ahead. I can pick you up some things when I go out later, oh and a cellphone, you'll need one..'... May pulls out a pair of jeans and a tshirt for her. Thank goodness they were the same size.

'Thanks May. If Peter asks, just tell him it's to do with the investigation ok..'.. She takes the clothes and heads to the bathroom. One thing she had been looking forward to coming home, a really hot shower.


She found out that the Avengers were no longer at the tower they had, but had moved to a facility upstate. She was thankful she could levitate, as it saved her from walking all that way. Setting herself down on the lush green lawn, she looked up at the building.

Shrouding herself, she made her way into the facility, keeping a look out for Mr Stark, he was the one she wanted to see. She needed to know what exactly this internship really was. She heard voices, and kept herself quiet, following where they came from.

Coming through a set of doors, she found herself in a large open room, with familiar faces of people dotted around. The Widow, the captain, falcon and Mr Stark. She stayed quiet, as she made her way closer to him. He put down his cup in the sink, and headed out another door.

She kept close by, noticing they were passing some labs when he entered one. She slipped in the door before it closed, hearing him sigh... 'Friday, lock down the lab..'

She began to panic, realising she was trapped in the room, as the shutters came down... 'You know, if you're going to sneak in here, you need to remember I have advanced tech that can read your heat signature..'.. He turned, looking about the room and folding his arms... 'I take it you're the girl from Sokovia?..'

She fought the panic, but when she felt herself lift off the floor, and equipment started rising too, she dropped her perception power... 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I-I can't breathe..'

'Hey, hey its ok. Look at me..'.. He held his hands up in surrender to her, and she took a few deep breaths, keeping her eyes on him... 'I'm not going to hurt you, no one is alright. I'm guessing you want to talk?..'.. She nodded at him, feeling herself calm down and her feet settled back on the ground.

He slid a stool to her, gesturing for her to sit and she did. He walked over to his little fridge, getting her a bottle of water and a Hersheys bar. He walked over slowly, and handed them to her... 'Whats your name kid?..'

She drank a few mouthfuls of the water, before taking a deep breath... 'Penelope Parker, but you can call me Pen..'

'Parker?..'.. He tilted his head, giving her a look.

'Yeah, like my little brother, Peter..'... She watched him, seeing him frown at her.

'They didn't mention your name in your files..'.. He said, leaning against the station behind him. She knew who 'they' were.

'Because I never gave it. Unless it says 'get fucked' or 'Eat shit'..'... She shrugged... 'That was my usual response to them..'... She saw him smirk in approval... 'Look, I'm here about a few things, and I need your help..'

'Ok..'.. Was all he said. She expected more of a push back, but his quick agreement made her suspicious.

'First, I want to know everything about this whole internship with my brother, then I'll tell you everything you want to know. The help I need, is to take down Hydra. I want those asshole to pay for what they did..'.. She ripped open the chocolate, taking a big bite. She moaned quietly, she had forgotten how good chocolate was.

'Sounds fair. Im guessing you have powers too?..'.. She nodded at him... 'Can the others know about you?... She shook her head.

'I don't want to be known, not yet. I want to take those bastards down. If they find out who and where I am, it will put Peter and May in danger. Once they're gone, I'll join your superhero club ok..'.. She waved a hand around the room.

Tony grinned at her. She was so unlike her brother... 'Ok, first how old are you?..'

'21. I'll be 22 in a month..'..

'So, when did you get back? How did you get back?..'.. He asks, grabbing his desk chair and wheeling it over.

'Nuh uh, me first. What is this internship? Why a lot of money? I know there's more too it that what May thinks..'... She finishes the chocolate.

Tony wondered if she was as smart as her brother... 'Peter is Spiderman..'

'Who?..'.. She was confused... 'Been missing for almost a year Mr Stark, kinda need you to fill in the blanks here..'.. She waved her hand at him.

'Friday, pull up the videos for Spiderman..'.. She watched as a holo display came up, showing a masked man stop a car from crashing into a bus.

'Holy shit balls! That's Peter? What did you do to him?..'.. She scowled at the man across from her.

'We didn't do anything. I found him through those videos about 3 months ago. I gave him the internship as a way for having an excuse for your incredibly hot aunt by the way, as to why he would be out late doing this..'.. He gestures to the video... 'We don't take him on missions, he just wants to keep the neighbourhood safe, his words not mine. Plus, the money is a way for the city to pay him back for all the good he has done..'

Pen didn't know what to say. She watched another video of him stopping a thief... 'I upgraded his suit too. He needed something to protect him better so he wouldn't be covered in cuts and bruises all the time..'

'He's 15! He's a kid..'...

'16 and in a few months, 17. He's a good kid, and even the amount of talking I've done with him, he won't listen anyway, he'll still go and do this. He said he wanted to make the world a better place, just like his sister did..'.. Tony's words felt like a stab in her heart.

'Ok, ok fine..'... She let out a shaky breath, looking at him... 'What do you want to know?..'


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