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Pen had a pounding ache in her head, and she peeked at her surroundings, before squeezing her eyes shut at the brightness. She rolled over, groaning, wishing her head didn't feel like it was going to explode.

'Glad you're awake, thought I'd have stay here all day..'.. She frowned, hearing Tony's voice, coming from the side of her bed. She opened her eyes again, seeing him sitting in her chair, he pulled to the side of her bed, and his feet up next to her. He smiled before dropping his feet and leaning forward... 'How are you feeling?..'

'Like Hulk is in my head trying to escape..'.. He chuckled at her.... 'I drank too much, didn't I?..'

'I think you did, yes. But you were having fun, and you didn't embarrass yourself or throw up, I promise..'.. He held hands up to her... 'The girls helped you to bed, but you had a nightmare during the night, so I came in here. I couldn't wake you, but I stayed with you, talking to you until you calmed down..'

Pen felt guilty that she had disturbed his sleep... 'Im sorry you had to be in here..'

'Hey, it's ok..'.. He brushed her hair from her face, before sitting back and picking up the orange juice and aspirin he had next to him... 'Pepper came in to see how you were and brought these for you. She said she would have breakfast ready, and can't wait to officially meet you..'

'Oh my gosh..'.. Pen buried her face into her pillow... 'Not the best first impression is it?..'.. She turned to look at Tony again... 'I stole her boyfriend away for the night and he slept in my room..'

Tony gestured for her to sit up, and handed her the aspirin and juice... 'Come on, take them..'.. He watched as she does... 'First off, Pepper already loves you, from what she's heard. Second, she knows I care about you, and no offence but gross..'.. He pulled a face, making her giggle... 'You're young enough to be my daughter, so no and third, I'd rather be in here with you, knowing that you're ok, and safe than spend another night worrying about you..'

Pen just nodded, and drank the last of the juice, handing him the glass back... 'I could go for some breakfast..'..  Tony stands up, and heads for the door.

'I'll leave you sort yourself out, and see you down there..'.. He gave her a smile and left.

Pen flopped back down on her bed, huffing out a breath, embarrassed that because of her, Tony had spent the night in her room, instead of with his girlfriend. She did adore him, but she saw him as a father figure more than anything else. She just hoped the team wouldn't take it the wrong way, of him being in her room. Shaking her head clear, she rolled out of bed, and got ready.


Pepper smiled across to Tony as he walked in and over to her, and kissed her lightly as she cooked... 'How is she doing?..'

Tony moved to pour coffee, for him and for Pen when she'd get there... 'Feeling embarrassed. Shes been excited to meet you and thinks that me being in her room last night, is something you won't like..'

'Oh no, really?..'.. Pepper looked over to the door... 'Should I talk to her? I don't want her to worry about that, I understand, it's fine..'.. She dished up the bacon, and put it next to the toast.

'See? It's things like this..'.. Tony grabs her waist turning her to him... 'That shows me how lucky I am to have you..'.. He gives her a slow kiss.

'Breakfast and a show..'... Tony turns his head, seeing Sam and Steve come in from their run.

'And it's things like you do for her and Peter, that shows me, you're going to be a great dad one day..'.. She whispered back, and moved to plate up for herself.

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