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Steve sat in the meeting, listening to Tony talk about the mission he had for the four of them, over in Russia. A possible Hydra base had become active, and they were doing more human experimentations. He read through the file in front of him, and heard Nat interrupt.

'Wait, wait..'.. He looked across at her and she held her file in her hands... 'Dr Ivan Nikolev. He was at the Sokovia base. He was the lead on Pens experiments..'.. She looked around to Tony... 'Does she know?..'

Steve rolled his eyes and sat back. Everyone seemed to be fussing over her. Bucky had gone through worse, and he didn't act all fragile and pitiful like she was. She had the whole team wrapped around her little finger. He would find out what her real endgame was, the way she had gotten into the team so easily, he had a feeling she was playing them all.

'Steve you still with us, or do I need to go over this again?..'.. His head came up, seeing the others watching him.

'No, I got it. Leaving at 0300..'.. He stood, grabbing his file and heading for the door.

'I don't know if his head will be in this..'.. Bucky sighed, shaking his head as Steve left... 'I agree with Nat, we bring this doctor in. If he did her experiments, then he can tell us exactly what they did, so we'll have a better understanding of her powers...'

'I'll tell her about the doctor tomorrow. Right now, she's having a good day and Peter will be here tomorrow for some training..'.. Tony sighed as he sat back down.

'You really care about them, don't you?..'.. Sam asked, flipping his file closed.

'Yeah I do. And all of you..'.. Tony gestured to the the others and they chuckled.

'Careful Tony, you'll ruin your image..'.. Nat grinned at him and smiled.

'Someone has to take care of you kids. Otherwise you'll wreak havoc if you're not supervised..'.. He pushed out of his chair and to his feet... 'Now if you'll excuse me, dad has a date with mom..'

The three of them watched as Tony left, and Bucky shook his head... 'Hes changed a lot since I first joined the team. I really thought he'd hate me after what I did..'.. He felt a slap around the back of his head, and he turned to Nat, sitting next to him.

'That wasn't you. How many times do I need to knock sense into you about it?..'.. She scowled at him and Sam laughed.

'Man you are whipped..'.. Sam stood, grabbing his file as he grinned at the two of them... 'I'll leave you lovebirds alone..'.. He left the room, and Bucky smirked at Nat.

'You know what happens when you do that..'.. His eyes flicked down over her body, and back up to her lips as he leaned in to her... 'Bedroom, now..'.. He saw her pupils dilate at his tone, and she got up with her file and left without saying a word. Bucky followed right after her, knowing that she was going to be screaming his name soon.


Pen sat cross legged on one of the couches, facing Thor and Loki on the one opposite as they told her stories of their lives on Asgard and their battles. She had tears running down her face from laughing, hearing about Lokis tricks.

Pietro was in the kitchen, watching her laugh as Wanda came to his side... 'What happened last night? Did she really not have a nightmare?..'.. She asked quietly.

'She didn't, she was peaceful..'.. Wanda saw the wistful smile on her brother's face and she gave him a questioning look.

'Do I have read you?..'.. She asked, leaning a hip against the counter top, watching him.

Pietro smiled to himself, as he stole another glance to her... 'She called my name..'.. He looked down at Wanda... 'I fell asleep in the chair, but I couldn't stay comfortable. I moved next to her, on top of her blanket, and as I settled down, she said my name and smiled in her sleep..'

Wanda couldn't stop the grin as it came to her face... 'She has feelings for you, that's obvious, and I can see you have them for her too..'

Pietro shook his head... 'We haven't know each other for long..'

'Yes you have..'.. Wanda cut him off... 'Since the first time you saw her, she was on your mind. You told me so yourself. You've wanted to know her, and afterwards find her. You think I don't know you?..'.. Wanda moved in closer... 'You two connected in so many ways, even before really meeting..'

Pietro sighed, moving to get a drink... 'I won't ever push her, but I will protect her..'.. He grabbed a Snapple from the fridge... 'Remember the battle, and I saved Barton?..'

Wanda nodded, and moved to stand in front of him... 'You know something saved me?..'.. It hit Wanda and she turned, staring at Pen as she fell to the side laughing, before looking back at her brother, and he smiled at her... 'Yeah, it was her..'.. He sipped his drink, and moved towards the couch.

Wanda felt a wave of love for Pen, Pietro was alive because of her. Pen had saved the only family Wanda had left, and she could never repay that. Clearing her throat, she followed after her brother, both sitting either side of their friend.

'And what of you darling? How is your family..'.. Loki smiled at her, and created an illusion of butterflies in the room. Her whole face lit up at them, as they fluttered in the air.

'They're good. May is still working and Peter is Spiderman. He's not on the team yet, I'd rather he'd train to prepare but maybe when he's older, 21 maybe..'.. She held her hand out, and a blue on landed in her palm.

'I can't believe you remembered..'.. She watched it fly away, leaning into Pietro... 'I would always think about you, you know. I wondered if you would ever come back..'.. She gave him a small smile.

'I am glad to see you again darling..'.. Loki smiled back. Seeing her happy and relaxed, he would give anything to ensure she remained this way... 'I had hoped not to remain on the end of your wrath yesterday..'.. They all laughed, and Tony walked in, seeing the five of them happy.

'Hello children..'.. He put his file down, and made a cup of coffee... 'Pen, I've let Peter know to come in tomorrow. I have new training modules for him to try out..'

'Oh, let me train with him..'.. She sat up grinning... 'I got to see how he does..'.. Nat walks through, without looking at them or saying a word, and not 10 seconds later, Bucky followed grinning at them all.

'Training in 1 hour Pen..'... Was all he said as he followed after Nat.

She couldn't stop the blush creeping over her. She didn't have to look either in their eyes to know exactly what that was about... 'Ok, I'm so hoping their rooms are soundproof..'.. She sighed, shaking her head.

'Only when needed..'.. Tony said, picking his file back up, coffee in his other hand... 'Im going out on a date with Pepper, so I expect this place to still be in the same condition I left it..'

Pen smiled at him... 'I like that people still do dates. I don't like how it's all this 'dm and chill' shit..'.. She tilted her head at Tony... 'She'll be wearing a deep purple dress, so get her lillies..'

'How do you know that?..'.. Tony asked, confused.

'I have no idea..'.. Pen let out a breath, shaking her head... 'I can see it in my head. Purple dress, hair down..'.. She stared off... 'Silver strappy shoes, split up one side. Oh, and she's wearing the necklace made from the shrapnel?..'.. She pulled a face at Tony... 'Thats so adorable...'

Tony hadn't told Pen about that necklace, and he knew the interactions she's had with Pepper, he was sure it wouldn't have been brought up... 'Uh ok, lillies. If you're right, I'll give you a car..'... He says walking off and shaking his head.

'67 Chevy impala!..'.. She called out to him, and laughed. Sitting back into Pietro, she continued talking to them all for a little longer, before she had to get ready for training.


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