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Lokis heart broke, hearing what she had been through. He had spoken with Heimdall after he had returned to Asgard to check on her, but since his imprisonment, he didn't know what had happened. When his parents had found him remorseful of his actions, they began to give him his freedom, and had earned their trust back. Since then, he had forgotten about her.

He did ask Heimdall once, of how she had been, but he was told that she was away, helping the people of Midgard. When Thor had returned he had informed Loki his assistance was required, to help a young woman with her powers, he had not been surprised it was her. She was strong, compassionate and kind. If anyone had come into such power, it would of course be her.

Though he was not surprised to find her with the midgardian heroes, he found that he would have at least one friend amongst them, until she had struck him. He knew he deserved it, for leaving her so abruptly.

'Brother, are you alright?..'.. Thors voice snapped him from his thoughts, and he saw the others watching him.

'I fear this may be the beginning of her wrath..'.. He sighed, moving to sit on the arm of the couch... 'She was kind to me, when we last met. I did not know of her suffering. If I had remained, I could have sav-..'

Loki felt himself get thrown to the glass window, face first, and he struggled to catch his breath by the force pressing against him... 'Did you know? This whole time, did you know where I was? What they did to me? Was it some sick kick you got out of it?..'.. Her voice was not one of kindness but of anger.

Pen held her arm out as she marched in, not caring about the others. She flipped him around so she could see him, and lifted off the ground to face him. She wanted to read his mind, she needed to know.

Loki couldn't move, nor did he want to use his magic, as she came up in front of his face. He could feel a pressure in his head, knowing that she was in his mind, reading him. He didn't fight it, he let her see everything.

Pen gasped as she saw what he had been through, now knowing his actions of New York were not his own. His family did not know the truth either, but she saw everything. Letting out a breath, she pulled from his mind and they both dropped to their feet... 'Im sorry..'.. She shook her head, and hugged him tight... 'Im so so sorry..'

Loki was in shock for a moment, but wrapped his arms around her, holding her. He rested his head on hers as he let out a sigh... 'I did not know darling. I wish I had remained, if only for you..'.. She stepped back, shaking her head... 'Forgive me for leaving, and for not being there. I did not know..'

Pen wiped her face... 'Its ok Luke, sorry, Loki..'.. She huffed out a breath... 'Thats going to take some getting used to..'.. She gave him a small smile... 'I know, I saw it all..'.. She slapped his arm... 'Thats for being an idiot. I don't care that you kept who you were from me, I care that you didn't listen to a damn word I said. Taking over the world..'.. She scoffed, rolling her eyes and dropping to sit on the couch... 'Im sure others have tried and failed, and that's before we had this lot..'.. She waved her arm around.

Thor was thoroughly amused by the young woman scolding his brother, she seemed to have an impact on him. Thor did not know that they had a previous friendship, but it was clear, she was good for his brother... 'I like her..'

Pen turned to Thor, shaking a finger at him... 'Dont get me started on you. You are his big brother, and instead of being there for him, you were too self absorbed to even notice him. Your friends and fame were all you cared about. Even when your parents treated him like shit, you didn't stand by his side..'.. She got to her feet, and walked over, jabbing Thor in the chest... 'Its no wonder he did what he did. A mother who was too afraid to upset her husband when he was wrong, a father who pitted his sons against one another, and not showing any love or kindness and a brother who he adored, that didn't give a flying fuck about anyone, except himself. He knows he was wrong, but he finally got some attention from his family..'

Thor cleared his throat, fidgeting with Mjolnir in his hand, as he looked down at her, scowling at him. Perhaps she was right, he had thought it over since Lokis imprisonment, and he had been too focused on himself to see how his brother was feeling... 'My apologies Loki..'.. He looked across at his brother, feeling her stare on him... 'For my part in it all. She is right..'

'SHE has a name you know..'..

'Lady Pen is right..'..

'Better..'.. He fought the smile at her reprimand, and hear the others snigger at her.

'I did not see how you had been affected by our lack of care and love. I hope you will forgive me..'.. Thor resisted the urge to look down at her, but remained focused on his brother, who was fighting a smile himself.

'You're forgiven brother..'.. Loki said, turning away as a smirk crept across his lips.

'Good. One day you'll have to take my to Asgard. I'd love to have a word with your parents..'.. She turned and walked back over to the couch, as others entered the room.

'Great, you're here..'.. Her head whipped around to Steve and she glared at him, for his tone.

'Who exactly are you talking about with that tone?..'.. She growled out at him, and he stopped, looking around at the others.

'N-no one..'.. He moved to the other side of the room, keeping his distance.

'Better be no one..'.. She muttered... 'So..'.. She smiled at the team... 'Whats the plan then?..'

'I have no idea..'.. Tony said, shaking his head at her... 'Kinda dealing with the whole mood swings from you, I think I got whiplash from it all..'

'I don't know what's happened, and I've learned to not even ask..'.. Sam said, folding his arms, and Nat patted his shoulder.

'Short version, Pen knew Loki from before the New York incident, by a different name. She got angry, told him off, and Thor, and then Steve..'.. Pen sniggered and stuck her tongue out at Nat.

'Still dealing with shit. As long as there's not any more surprises..'.. She blew out a breath... 'I'll be fine. Loki..'.. He smiled across at her as she called his name... 'I got time for training now, before my session with Dr Cho later. Plus, we can catch up..'.. He nodded at her and she turned to Pietro... 'Will you supervise? Tony, Nat or Bucky usually would, but I got a feeling they want to talk to Captain Virgin over there..'.. She points to Steve, and she saw him clench his jaw as he watched her.

Pietro held his hand out to her, smiling... 'If you're comfortable with me being there..'.. She took his hand, not letting go and he could feel by her grasp, she wasn't comfortable right now. He pulled her closer to her side, wanting to protect her.

'Lets go Lolo..'.. She scrunched her face at Loki, teasing and he sighed, following after her and the other one, out of the room.

'Is she courting the fast one?..'.. Thor asked, placing Mjolnir down in the coffee table, as he sat in an empty chair.

'No, she's not with anyone, but don't try anything with her. She's been through enough. They clearly like each other, but she's not ready..'.. Wanda says, as she sits down. Bucky gives a little smile, but it was fake. It wasn't what Wanda said that had him in edge. It was those few words whispered, that had caught his super hearing attention. He glanced over to Steve in the kitchen as he moved about, and Bucky began to wonder what his friend meant.

'Not if I have anything to do about it..'..


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