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Steve growled in anger as the shutters closed in his face and he felt the hold on him go, his feet now settling in the ground. He spun and stormed towards the main room, ready to tell the others. He didn't care she was Parkers sister, she was a liability.

He saw that the others were in the room, and he marched over to Nat, grabbing hold of her arm to make her look at him... 'You know who she is?..'.. Nat twisted his wrist, removing his grip and shoving him back.

'The fuck is your problem Rogers?..'.. She took a stance, and the twins came to stand either side of her.

Steve stood, his hands fisted at his sides... 'I just found out who she is. She's down in Starks lab with Parker..'

'Yeah, we know. What I don't know, is why it's such a big deal to you. You have no idea what she's been through..'.. Nat took a step forward, ready to swing for him... 'What? If it's not Barnes, then anyone else who's been through that kind of hell doesn't deserve our help? Kindness? Understanding?..'

'You might want to think before you speak captain, before we have a real problem..'.. Wanda called her power into her hand, as she moved in front of Nat.

'So now you're threatening me?..'.. Steve turned his glare to Wanda, making Bucky and Sam come to pull him back.

'I would advise you take a moment Captain Rogers, before you say something you will come to regret..'.. Vision came to Wandas side, and Pietro followed.

'What is your problem man? Seriously?..'.. Sam shoved him back a step, Bucky coming to stand in front of him.

'Steve, why are you so angry? Do you know her? Is she someone you've had a past with? What?..'.. Bucky really didn't understand what was going on, or why he was so angry.

'Shes Parkers sister..'.. Steve gritted out, looking around at the others. Wanda had enough she moved forward quickly, and hit Steve with her power, making him see and hear everything, from her time in the Sokovian base. She made sure he heard every scream, saw Pen battered and bruised as she passed by Wandas cell.

Wanda was beyond angry at him, and she wanted him to understand. She left him in that state for a minute, before pulling out of his head. She watched him drop to his knees, gasping for breath... 'Still angry at her Captain?..'.. Her voice was laced with disdain, as she moved back to Pietro.

'Thats just my memories of her. Shall we show you hers?..'.. She hissed out at him, seeing him still on the floor, and he shook his head... 'I didn't think so. I suggest you take a moment, and think before you say another word to her, because I won't hesitate to make you relive her worst memories..'

Pietro smirked at his sister, proud of how she handled Steve. He kissed the side of her head, keeping her behind him slightly.

'The kid has a sister? Why didn't we know?..'.. Sam asks Nat.

'Because she didn't want anyone to know, not until she had spoken to Peter..'.. Nat folded her arms, still glaring at Steve.

'Boss wants a team meeting. Remain where you are, he is on his way with Peter and Pen..'..

'Guess she's ready to tell you. All I'll say, is don't interrupt her. She's been through hell, and doesn't need judgement from anyone..'.. Nat watched Steve get to his feet, and move to sit on a couch, staying silent. She turned to Wanda, giving her a questioning look.

'I made him hear what we heard..'.. Wanda said quietly, and Nat understood. She turned back to Steve, moving to sit on the couch opposite.

'Take a good guess as to what you heard, was really about Steve, cause let me tell you, what she did to the guy on the mission, is nothing compared to what he really deserved..'.. She kept her glare on him, until he looked up at her and nodded.

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