~Chapter 1~ The Princes *Edited*

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Y/N was but a simple girl in the Land of AAA, similar to Finn, she typically just wondered around and did whatever she pleased. However, she could usually be found hanging out with Marshall Lee or Prince Gumball. She had really big crushes on the both of them, which she believed to be unrequited.  

''Yo Y/N!'' Marshall yelled at you bringing you out of your trance.

''Ye- YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe!'' you screamed falling from the tree you were on.

Marshall quickly flew up and caught you, saving you from landing on the rough ground below. 

''Clumsy now are we?'' Marshall asked smirking.

''N-n-no! You pushed me!'' you stuttered turning a shade of light pink and playfully punched him.

''Did not!''
''Did to!''
''Did not!''
''Did to!''

You guys went back and forth for a while until you realized Marshall was still holding you. At the same time Marshall realized he was still holding you. Your face turned so red, Marshall could almost feed off of it. In a rush to get out the situation, you quickly sat up. However, this backfired, and you accidentally kissed Marshall. Even more flustered, you rushed out of Marshall's arms, disregarding your want to stay in them, and ran away. You had intended to run home, but had gotten lost in the Bubblegum Kingdom. 

''Just wonderful.'' you mumbled.

''A girl as pretty as yourself shouldn't mumble!'' Prince Gumball scolded.

Your cheeks flushed. 

"Sorry Gumball." you responded.

"So what brings you here on this fine day?" Prince Gumball asked you.

"I was running from, uh, a monster and got lost here trying to get back home." you replied. 

Prince Gumball's face got pale. He rushed over to you and started inspecting you thoroughly for any wounds or scratches.

"Are you okay? Did the monster hurt you?" he questioned, concerned.

"No, no, I'm fine Gumball, just a bit tired. Will you walk me home so I don't get attacked or lost again?" you ask.

"Of course dear. Lucky for you I just happen to be free this afternoon." he responds as you both start walking in the direction of your house.

You made small talk for the rest of the way home, talking about the weather, Gumball's servants, whatever came to mind. It wasn't long before you had both arrived at your house. You invited Prince Gumball in for tea, as he did say his afternoon was free, and he happily obliged. With you were waiting for the water to boil in the kettle, you turned to look at him. 

"Hey Gumball, why do you hate Marshall Lee so much?" you pondered.

Gumball's face grew pale again, and stopped whatever he was doing. It took a few moments for him to respond, very unlike him.

"I'd rather not talk about it." he said. "I think it's about time for me to take my leave."

Prince Gumball regained his composure and walked right out of your house. You were absolutely astounded. He'd never done such a thing before. Most would find that to be particularly rude, but you didn't mind it. You were a little heartbroken, sure, but what could you do? You had struck some sort of nerve in Gumball and he decided to leave the situation. 

You're so dumb Y/N! Why'd you ask such a thing! You could've totally ruined your shot-

The thing to bring you back to reality was none other than the teapot chirping. Your water was boiling. You sighed, turning off your stove and pouring yourself some tea. You gave it a few moments to cool down, and grabbed a book off of your shelf. You didn't foresee yourself leaving your house for the rest of the day after what happened with Gumball. You snuggled up on the couch with your book and tea, and sat down for an afternoon of reading. 


When you woke up, you weren't in your house. You felt overwhelmed by fear, and as you tried to look around, everything blurred. You couldn't make out anything and it was beginning to make you feel sick. You collapsed onto the ground, now in pain from feeling so sick. You could hear voices in the distance, but every time you tried to talk or yell, you could get nothing out. You tried to make out what the people were saying, but it was all gibberish. You focused on the voices, and they sounded like Prince Gumball and Marshall. You were shocked, because although you had no idea what they were saying, there was no anger like there usually was. They sounded like... they were having fun? Suddenly, it felt like you were being crushed, you couldn't breathe, and started gasping for air. That's when you woke up.


Your eyes shot open and you were gasping for air as you looked around. Your e/c eyes met Marshall's black beady ones, and he was sitting on you. That explains why you felt like you were being crushed. He quickly got off of you, profusely apologizing. Once you caught your breath, you began to scold him. 

"Sorry Y/N, sometimes I forget you humans have to breathe a lot." he says.

You shake your head, what time is it? You look out the window to be greeted with darkness. That explains how Marshall got all the way out here. 

"Y/N... you seemed to be having a bad dream, are you okay?" he asks.

You shrug. "It was nothing." you respond.

He looks at you briefly, gauging whether or not he should press on the matter any further. He decides not to. 

"So, what brings you here at this time of night?" you question, picking up your teacup to go put it in the sink.

"I just wanted to check on you after what happened" he clears his throat. "earlier." he says.

You had almost forgotten about it. Kissing Marshall. Being in his cold dead arms that somehow made you feel warm and happy inside. Your cheeks turned red as you faced your sink to put your cup in it.

"Oh, that." you giggled nervously. "I'm really sorry about that. I really didn't mean to."

"It's cool. I just wanted to make sure you got home okay. You kind of ran in the wrong direction earlier..." he trailed off.

"Yeah! Silly me!" you giggle nervously again. "Well now all that's settled, I hate to kick you out, but I gotta go back to bed."

"Goodnight Y/N." Marshall says as he floats out of your house, closing the door behind him.


 Original: Yay crappy first chapterrrrr .-. sorry this will probably suck balls because I am not that good at Adventure Time fanfics :/. oh well peace out.

Update: PHEW! I just took this first chapter from about 250 words to 1,000! For new and old readers, I am once again updating this fanfic and rewriting it. I'm gonna commit to doing it this time though, I will finish the entire thing! I'm going to try and keep it as close to the original as possible, but most of the chapters are only a couple hundred words, so I will add some more content. At this time, I'm not sure if I will add more chapters, but it will at the very least stay its original length with longer chapters. My goal is to get them around 1,000 words or more. Also, when I originally wrote this fic, Adventure Time was still airing. I watched it a bit when I was younger but I wasn't like, super into it. I plan on watching the entire show soon! I'm currently watching Avatar with my boyfriend, so we'll see when I start watching. New and old fans, I hope you enjoy!

Carousel of Love (Prince Gumball x Reader x Marshall Lee)Where stories live. Discover now