~ Chapter 3 ~ Bitter Grapefruit and Rotten Candy *Edited*

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"Come in!" you holler at the door. 

The person at your door was none other than Marshall. He floats on in, but you can tell he seems a bit aloof from his usual self. 

"Everything alright Marsh?" you ask.

Marshall floats over to you and sets his head on your shoulder. Your cheeks flush, he's usually not this affectionate.

"Things could be be worse Cotton Candy." he replies, his arms snaking  around your waist to hug you from behind.

You freeze, but Marshall doesn't seem to notice. He sighs and closes his eyes. Your cheeks only grow redder, but he doesn't seem to notice. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door. You can only assume it's Gumball. Marshall stiffens.

"Don't answer him." he breathes in your ear.

You try and move but Marshall's grip only tightens around your waist. You can hear Prince Gumball calling outside your door.

"Don't disobey me, Y/N." he hisses.

You take a moment to weigh your options. As long as Prince Gumball is outside, he'll probably hear you if you yell. But if you yell, you'll make Marshall upset. Your mind wanders to the dream you had the previous night. Could they both like you? Could your futures with them really be so terrible? You become more alert once you realize heat is radiating off of Marshall's body. Now that's unusual. That's when you make your decision. 

"GUM-!" you yell, only to have your mouth covered by Marshall's hand.

"I told you to not answer!" Marshall yells as Gumball bursts through your door holding a bouquet of candy flowers. 

"Y/N!" he yells. 

You see Gumball glare in your direction, assuming it's for Marshall. It's pretty likely Marshall is glaring back, too. You gently crane your neck to look at Marshall's face, and your eyes are greeted by his now red ones. Your eyes widen as you try and get away from him. 

"Marshall!" you yell, getting out of his grip and hoping he comes to his senses.

Marshall's eyes quickly change to normal, and he suddenly looks defeated. You look at Gumball to make sure what you're seeing is real, and he looks about ready to fight Marshall.

"I-I I'm sorry Y/N. I have no idea what came over me." he says shaking his head.

You turn back to Gumball. He looks pissed.

"Get out of here scum! Leave Y/N alone!" Gumball yells.

"You're right. I'll leave now." Marshall sighs, and floats out of your house.

You're confused right now, but what's most puzzling was the look on Marshall's face. You become so lost in thought, you almost forgot Gumball is still in your house as he rushes over to you. He checks to see if you were hurt, similar to the day before when you ran into him. 

"I'm fine Gumball, he didn't hurt me. I'm just a little shaken up, that's all." you say, distracted. 

Gumball puts his hand under your chin and gently faces you towards him.

"I'm here for you Y/N. Well, quite literally actually. I came to tell you something." he tells you.

You tilt your head, your full attention now on Gumball. He helps you up before taking a deep breath and holding the candy flowers out towards you. 

"Y/N, well, I just wanted to let you know, that I uh, well, uh, I like you!" he exclaims.

You weakly grab the candy flowers and look Gumball in the eyes. You try and gauge whether or not he's being serious. His eyes look serious, and the candy flowers reaffirm that. You shake your head. You don't want this to be real. 

"I need you to leave. Today has barely even started and I want it to be over. Thanks for the candy flowers I guess." you tell Gumball bluntly. 

You know it's rude to kick him out, but your brain is ready to shut down after everything that happened. You shoo Gumball out of your house, almost slamming the door in his face. You collapse onto your couch, shaking your head. This could not be real. Both of your crushes liking you back? Stuff from your nightmare somewhat coming true? You didn't like the situation you were in. Not one bit. Sure the loves of your life liked you back, but you'd never be able to choose between the two of them! It'd be easier if just one of them liked you back, so you could choose the one that liked you! But if your nightmare would come true, maybe it's better you didn't like either of them! After all, there's always Flame Prince... no. You can only imagine the burns you'd get from him. 

You stare blankly at your ceiling. At best it's early afternoon right now, which means it's too early to go to sleep to stop thinking about all of this. Although, after your nightmares, you're not sure if you even want to. Why me?  You wondered. You were just a normal girl. You weren't royal, like Marshall and Prince Bubblegum. They had grown up in the Land of AAA their entire lives. You, on the other hand, couldn't remember much. You're not sure how you got here, what your parents were like, you didn't even know if you had family. Marshall may hate his mom, but at least he has one who he could talk to if he ever wanted to. These thoughts remind you of Fiona, the only other human in the Land of AAA. She doesn't remember her parents either, or any of her childhood, just like you. You shake your head, for some reason Fiona just gives you bad vibes.

After what seems like hours, you finally sit up and head to your kitchen. You need a snack, and you just remembered you have a grapefruit in your kitchen. You'd never really had a grapefruit before, but had it in flavored drinks, so close enough. You slice the grapefruit as you would an orange, they're very similar fruits, and select a grab a slice to eat. As soon as you bite into the slice, your face immediately crumples. Plain grapefruit is just far too bitter. You look towards the candy flowers that Gumball gave you, but they'll only rot your teeth. 


No original here! Sorry to all my grapefruit lovers but look I used the chapter title in the chapter wooooow! Last update for the night in my time. I got important stuff to do tomorrow.

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