6; modernized obligations

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The silence speaks volumes when Gerard has no response. He just looks ashamed, and down at his hand, which is dangling a necklace chain carrying a deep black crystal middle piece.

Gemini breaks the silence; "Ohhhkay! Nice to meet you guys, good seeing you again Gerard, we should go!" They walk over and push the back of Bex's upper arm as they walk, forcing them to follow.

"So.. the exanimalis are back." Lucifer notes

"Yeah. Fun, right?" Gerard says, sarcastically

A drop of blood falls onto their face. I raise my hand and wipe it away, lingering on their jaw and pulling away as normally as I could. They look at me with amatory eyes, and then to Lucifer.

"I'm not cleaning this, I hope you know." Gerard declares

"Right. The thing with that, is you owe me." Lucifer grins

"With what? Not drowning in blood that was only there because you didn't maintain your wards?" Gerard snaps. I think he forgot that he's trying to be professional with the Devil.

"No, for overstaying your alloted time on Earth." Lucifer responds

"I was only there longer because Frank was dismissed late, and because of that stupid hound that was in Edward's class. Neither of those things have anything to do with me and my faults." Gerard defends

They go back and forth for a minute before I feel a hand placed itself a finger at a time on my shoulder, followed by Gemini's voice offering advice; "In situations like this, it's best to leave so that you don't get roped in. Care for a tour of this bloody monstrous building?" They ask quietly

I turn around after jumping, "uh, sure?" They offer out their hand in a handshake manner, and I take it. We quickly jump from one location to a dark room, filled with smoke. I steady myself into the new room as I realize they just teleported; Along with realizing that I'm too calm in this situation. Bex is here too, with a burning pipe, an old one at that.

"Welcome to-" Gemini starts

"A dingy old room with plenty of scissors.." Bex interjects, grinning creepily

"N- Well, kin- No. It's a secret room," Gemini sighs, "any questions so far?"

"Uhm.. How do you guys know Gerard?" I hesitate, mostly because of Bex.

"He walked out on me." Bex responds, too calm and too blankly.

"On us," Gemini corrects, "and he was one of the first people I spoke to when I died- 1989, by the way. Influenza's a killer. But they were the nicest person to me, and we were instantly friends. They told me everything I needed to know in terms I could understand," they explain, in the most calming voice I've heard them use.

"1852, rail incident," Bex states, using dramatic overly animated sarcasm, "killed with a stake. Unique, I know."

"Wait, how old were you guys?" I ask

"I was 19, but Bex was like 222." Gemini answers

"Dying on an angel number made it easier to bare, I don't know how you cope with dying on an odd number. How old were you?" Bex giggles, surprisingly

"104, wooden bullet suicide." I laugh

"That's not funny Bex, you didn't even know what a TV was until I told you," Gemini complains

"You died of something they had a vaccine for. Shut up, bitch."

"Okay, smallpox."

"You little shit-"

"I should go-" I say, not trying to interfere too much

They both, at the same time, with the same tone, and the same speed, say "Yes" and "No". Turning to each other to go back and forth again, just like in the throne room. You can guess who said what, I'm sure. Bex is still being a jackass, and Gemini is being persistent.

I can do nothing but watch and hope that they eventually shut up and Gemini takes me back to Gerard. I'm like a parasite, I can't go too long without him or I'll die. Maybe that's a bit unhealthy, but we're dead now, so what does it matter?

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