14; brave men, living and dead

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A girl steps in front of me, trying to push me out of the way. Her name is Tyonna, she's a regular at Mass, and she knows the church more than the average person. She's smart, but apparently not smart enough.

"Gerard, stop! God does not ordane violence!" She yells at me, pushing me back.

"You have no idea what God ordains," I strike her, forcing her to the ground.

She cries out, but with her out of my way, I simply keep walking. I see a figure run toward her to help her but I ignore it. They can't stop me now or later.

The entrance to the building gets closer and closer, it seems at if it's coming closer to me, though I know that's ridiculous. The stairs are nothing compared to the church, and the doors are much weaker. They easily whip open when I thrash them back.

My ears buzz with adrenaline, almost getting louder when I let my gut lead to where the old pig is. What seems like thousands of door fly past me.

When the skamelar himself presents himself in a small, dull room, he stands up and panickingly corners himself. He yells, calling out for backup that I won't hesitate to help with getting familiar with God.

"Gerard! H- Wha- Back up!" The bishop demands

"Damn you, you disgusting excuse of a man."

"How dare you appear in front of me in such a manner. You are dead!" He yells, only trying to convince himself

"I already told you," I say, edging closer to him, "father forgave me." I smirk and his horror.

"You- You demon!"

"He will not be doing the same for such an improper and prideful bitch as yourself."

"It is not my fault nor anyone else's you decided to give that horrid beast a green gown!" He highers his voice, now screaming, scratching at the walls as if they'll open for him and give him an exit out of his soon agonizing demise.

My hands reach out by themselves.

He tried fighting back, but that senile old creature had never had to defend anything but misinterpreted scripture. He didn't compare to unforgiving abulia. Really, he had not a single chance. Plus, if anything, I did him a favor; he himself is now one of the very same angels that stood at the gate with God.

Those security though, exanimalis. They just needed the check. I don't blame them, they had families and lived mostly only by the bishop's hip. The attempts they had made were enough for them to feel less guilt when running. I didn't bother chasing them, my goal was already achieved. Those poor civilians who had to try to clean the blood off of the walls did their best. In the end, they tore out all of the walls due to how stubborn and coated I had left them. That building was soon torn down as well.

"What did you do after?"

Oh, right. It requires some explaining of the layout of this city. The entire town was meant to be a basis for devout catholics and similar branches, and because of this, it was submerged into a forest I couldn't locate for you today. It was heavily barricaded by trees, and highly isolated. On a sign posted up on the highstreet of the city included the rule of never stepping outside of bounds, referring to the tree fencing. Townsfolk were, whether they knew it or not, imprisoned.

Yet here's the thing, because not a single eye was behind the church, but rather in front of or inside, workers inside of the church were known to pray outside. That rumor was truly a myth, because it was simply one. Me. I'd go into the forest quite deeply, walking and grounding myself, but also mapping the land. It was illegal, sure, but what would they do, kill me? Of course, in retrospect, they might've. Everything was rich in color, I couldn't help myself.

Due to my frequency of the woodland borders, I came to knew them as an exit, 'just in case'. I ran there.

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