17; the tower in reverse

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He strides ahead of me, walking on top on the long, fallen door. Magma and lava pops around the door. A flick of fire lights occasionally, just above the ground. The heat is unbearable. The devil walks the length.

"Do you know why you fell in?" He asks

I hesitate, "I have a vague idea.."

"That collar, it was the last thing tying you to God, other then presumed words." He explains.

I had already given up on appeasing God, I had nothing to lose, and my sins were unforgivable. Murder of the highest class. I had no interest in upholding the church.

He continues; "The magnitude of such a respected, established priest turning on the Lord is immense. It's never been done by someone as devoted as you once were. The very action was enough for the collar to burn to the touch," he turns around, "just as lava does."

A rumble under the lava shakes the door, I stumble but catch myself. Once it ceases, he continues.

"You'd be useful in Hell, and back on Earth.. Are you willing to work with the Devil?" He smiles, almost pleasantly. Almost.

"What do you mean on Earth?" I ask, pure confusion overwhelming me.

He laughs. "Well I'm not exactly capable, at least currently, of access to Earth. I have influence, of course, but not physical presence. There are bad people, worse than just the theifs and witches that people on Earth seem to damn here; It may seem like a fallacy to you, but there are Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts, and other supernatural beings at play throughout the dimensions. I don't know if you understand the concept of a realm, but you'll surely come to understand it if you accept. Your job would be to... dispose of.. threats, and protect these beings."

After he vaguely explained what I'd be doing in Hell, I knew it was really my only option if I wanted to do something other then suffer.

"So, do you accept?" his outreached hand was carefully placed in the middle of us.

I raise mine to his and interlock, "Yes, yes I do."

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