10; conmen still get paid

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"I died," Gerard answers vaguely.


"..You know... preached, died, tricked God, came back," they spoke fast, completely trying to ignore what they just said.

"You tricked God? How? Why? You came back?" I try to lift my head a bit to look them in the eye, to no avail.

"Are you okay? What's wrong with your eyes?" Gerard avoids, hovering his thumb on one of my eyelids gently.

Their nails are short, and they inhale slowly. They carefully drag their finger through my eyelashes, releasing the tension. The relief rushes over me as they pick apart each individual weaved piece. Their nail never collides with my skin as they take their time, going slow. They're so gentle with me; I feel them breathing slowly as if they don't want to break something expensive. I feel them breathe soft onto my face, not in an unpleasant way, but in a way that shows their merciful focus on me. They fingertips switch to my other eye and follow the same thing, tenderly. My stomache twists and compresses into itself. If I could, I'd run away, not because I don't love their hands lightly pulling away my difficulty, but because I can't take him being so humane.

They finish and place their hand on the side of my face. I open my eyes without any resistance, and look up at him. Their eyes interlock with mine. I feel myself get red and hope they're too busy doing something else, yet there's nothing else to do, so I know my hopes are delusion. I look back down.

It's a similar room to the one destroyed by ear shattering creatures. The wallpaper is a warm dark red, almost too dark to notice the victorian pattern displayed equally across the tall walls. The high ceilings are black, and the floor is dark enough to match. The lack of a fireplace inside is barely noticeable, the cracks and pops are replaced by silence. The same silence I break when I persist:

"Tell me," I beg, lifting my own hand to his upper arm, touching his torso with my middle and ring finger as it raises, "please?"

He pauses for a second, I feel his breathing hesitate with it.


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