iii. | everything is not right

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chapter 3

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chapter 3

Right, right now I feel like an alien
Like I'm sitting in a state of perpetual frustration
Go on, shove me again, fuck with the head, leave me for dead


The same posters of My Chemical Romance, Three Days Grace, Muse and many other emo bands hung on the walls, a little more sun-faded than she remembered. The same vinyl records stacked on shelves next to the old gramophone. The same sketchbooks and canvases awkwardly arranged in the corners of the room. The same dirty easel that had been a savior in her episodes, one of the few things that gave her a feeling of peace.

Also the same boxes under her bed, with her drawings of horror, thoughts and images from her head made real and put on paper. The same razor blades hidden in the hole of her mattress. The same empty opioid blisters tucked in the second bottom of the last drawer of her nightsta━

She didn't know whether she wanted to cry or vomit all over the room.

She blinks rapidly, refusing to let her brain go in a direction she preferred not to look immediately upon waking. She opened her suitcase and pulled out a burgundy lace top, black wide-leg pants and her favourite black velour jacket. She also pulled out her makeup bag and sat on the bed. She rummaged in it for a while and pulled out a small bottle of medicine. Taking out one pill she swallowed it, and took a large gulp from the bottle of water on her nightstand. The Forbes woman took a deep breath and began to change into her previously pulled out clothes. She grabbed the make up bag and went to the direction of the bathroom.

Once inside, she washed away the remnants of sleep and brushed her teeth. The girl took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. She looked like shit. There were purple bags under her eyes, begging her to go back to bed, her face red and puffy and overall looked like she was about to welcome death. She took a deep breath, and reached to her make up bag. Trying to hide her ghost looking face, she applied some of the concealer, blush and her trademark sharp eyeliner. Then, she painted her lashes and finished the ritual by adding dark red lipstick. Her blonde hair left in its natural waves━She didn't have the energy to even dwell on them.

Walking downstairs, she noticed her mother putting dinner on the table. Mom is cooking? Since when? Probably since Jade is not. Did she learn for Caroline? Damn.

"Oh, you're up. I made dinner. Lasagne?" Jade raised one of her eyebrows, her gaze suspicious. "No, it's not from the Grill, if that's what you're thinking." Her mother said, rolling her eyes. Jade let out a snort, taking a seat at the dinner table. "Although it's not as good as yours." She added fondly.

Jade felt her lips twich upwards. "I can teach you someday." she said, resting her chin on her hand, looking at her mother. Liz snapped her eyes at her daughter in surprise. She did not expect the use of the future tense. Smiling, hope filled her eyes. Jade smiled back. Baby steps, right?

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