ii. | alone together

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chapter 21

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chapter 21

You ought to know that
I think we're one and the same
I don't think we could help it
No, I don't think we could help it


SOO, SHE HAD NO IDEA what the hell was that the other day. It was as if something inside her... moved?  She didn't fucking know, so all she did was... forget about it. And got drunk, of course.


Oh, and in case anyone's wondering━as soon as she walked deeper into the bar, Klaus moved away from the cat as if it was going to burn him.

It made Jade smile too━stop!

So, the four of them set off first thing in the morning━yes, first thing in the fucking morning━for a little stroll into the mountains. Smoky Mountains? Dorky? Chokey? Who the fuck knows.

She would definitely like to chokey someone, that's for sure.

Did she ever mention that she hates hiking? It was just as awful as running, at least as a human being. Now maybe she didn't get so tired, she wasn't breathless at every step━vampirism has taken all those things away. But it didn't change how annoying it is. And, Jade would like to point out that she was still wearing fucking heels!

"I hate this." Jade muttered, her head shaking as she trailed behind the two men. "I hate you, I hate you." She spat, pointing at their backs with her free hand. After a fleeting moment, her gaze softened as it dropped to the ground, fixating on the cat at the end of her little red leash. "Not you." She murmured, blowing her a kiss, earning a soft meow in response. Second later, her loving face fell and she caught up to her companions, leaning towards the temporarily dead werewolf in Stefan's hold. "But I definitely hate you and your stupid litter. Seriously, couldn't you choose another place? For example, one that you can get to by fucking car?" She grumbled into his bloody, unconcious face, earning exasperated eye rolls from both men.

"Shush now." Klaus' voice carried a warning, his eyes narrowing as he shot her a stern look.

Jade's lips curled into a dismissive scoff, a spark of offense in her eyes. "I'll shush you, in a second." She grumbled, eyes narrowing at the Original, who merely sighed in exasperation. "I'm fucking sweating! Can any of you believe that?" She exclaimed, pointing at her slighlty glistening forehead. When they didn't even turn around, she threw her free hand in the air, eyes fixed to the side in nothingness. "Oh, fuck you too, then!" She shouted to herself, mostly. "Morti, you're the only one that gets me, aren't you?" Jade mused, a long and annoyed sigh escaping her lips.

it's just me and you | klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now