xii. | this dinner tastes quite deadish

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chapter 12

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chapter 12

Your talk'll be somethin' that shouldn't be said out loud
Honestly, I thought that I would be dead by now
Bury the hatchet or bury your friend right now
For the debt I owe, gotta sell my soul


"Hide your shit!" Jade shouted into the phone, her free hand shuffling through boxes that had finally arrived in Mystic Falls from New Orleans. Cami, you are the ultimate angel.

"What?" Katherine barked on the other side of the line, clear confusion audible in her voice.

Oh, yeah. Jade gave Katherine her old phone.

What? Jade couldn't sit with her every day, and she knew that if she were the one trapped in a can of cobblestone with no way out, she was sure she would go crazy from boredom. Besides, she liked to talk with her forbidden vampire friend.

"Hide your shit." Jade repeated herself, pulling some jeans out of the box and checking them. "Bad Salvatore is on his way to pay you a visit."

"What the hell does he want?" Katherine asked right away, her voice sharp and already annoyed.

Jade groaned, throwing some clothes on her bed. "How the fuck would I know? Just hide everything somehow, without lights it won't be visible anyway. Well, and it's not like he's going there with an inspection of your residential comfort." She said, putting the jeans on with one hand.

"And what about that I'm not dried to a chip, but beautiful as ever?" Katherine inquired, skepticism in her voice.

Jade rolled her eyes. "It's Damon, Kat. Not fucking Sherlock Holmes. Just throw some hair over your face and act dead."

"Alrighty then, I'll try." Katherine replied, emphasizing the last word.

"Yeah, you better fucking try. If he finds out, he won't tell me shit anymore. And you know how I feel about being out of the loop." Jade growled into the phone, which she set on speaker and placed on the bed.

"'Kay, 'kay. Don't worry, J. Don't you know who you're talking to?" The vampire asked, and Jade could hear her smirk through the phone at that moment.

Jade rolled her eyes again, throwing on a red and black oversized striped sweater. "Rrrright. I'll be there when he leaves. See ya then." She chriped.

"Toddles." Katherine sang and ended the call.

Jade sighed, throwing the rest of her clothes into the closet and making a mental note to thank Cami later. Doing a quick makeup and making sure all her rings were in place, the girl left the house, heading toward the Mystic Falls forest.

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