Game Night

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Its 8 P.M, Friday night. Date night, to be exact - for my parents anyway. Which means I'm stuck here watching my little brother. Again.

Thankfully on Fridays him and his friends play that stupid board game. Alex insists that I don't get it and that its actually more fun than I could imagine. I doubt that considering there's not even a board to play it on - just six, sweaty tenth grade boys rolling dice and yelling at each other.

Whatever, it keeps him out of my hair and lets me focus on my preferred hobby - men. One of which is waiting for me up in my room unbeknownst to anyone but myself.

I grab a stepping stool from the closet and head into the kitchen - I'll need to get into my stash spot, which is far too high up for my short stature. The stool unfolds and clicks into position before I step on onto it and grab the four whiskey shooters I hid in that nook behind the dusty coffee mugs that haven't been touched in years - why do we have twenty of these things anyway?

A slight breeze ruffles my skirt, a ridiculously short plaid thing that hardly hides the fact I'm not wearing underwear.

"Don't open that window, jackass. Its like fifteen degrees out there!"

I yell at Jeremy, one of Alex's friends. He turns to yell something rude back to me but stops and turns beet red when we sees my outfit: a tight, white crop-top and something vaguely reminiscent of a skirt - if it were two inches longer - is simply too much for his little sixteen-year old brain.

"O-o-ok, sorry, Sarah." He barely manages to stutter out to me before closing the window again.

"[Shadow Stab]! I rolled a six - fuck that goblin!" Yells one of Alex's friends.

I roll my eyes and head back to my room, leaving the step stool for one of them to hopefully trip and die on.

"Back with the party favors." I say as I open the door to my room - in which the subtle yet distinct smell of a man is beginning to permeate through.

"Toss one here." Says Jake before catching it swiftly, cracking the twist cap off, and chugging down the contents all in one fluid motion.

"Slow down cowboy, we have a few hours until my parents are home" I say with an edge of seduction in my voice as I open and sip the liquor from its little glass container.

I can't help but notice he's already fully nude under the covers of my bed, the impressive tent in the comforter growing larger as he takes me in with his hungry eyes that hide nothing of his inner thoughts.

I crawl up onto the edge of the bed, letting him appreciate me as I pull back the blanket covering him up to reveal his body.

"Impatient, are we?" I say slyly as I admire his fully erect cock.

"I plan on using every second of the time we have" He breathes as he grabs the back of my neck and forces my head down so that I have to look up at his dick.

I say nothing - not that I could with how wet I just got - my mind is already clouding with lust. That's fine, I don't need to think clearly now. I begin to slowly lick him from the bottom of his shaft to the tip as he moves his hand back to his side and moans softly.

Once reaching the top, I place my lips around him and slowly move my head back down - filling my mouth and finally my throat as I give him my best puppy eyes.

"Jesusfuckingchrist, Sarah" he moans as I flick and twist my tongue before coming back up for air.

"Hush." I say, placing my finger to my lips as I crawl up on top of him"

"We can't have anyone knowing you're here now, can we?"

Jake doesn't have time to formulate a response before I'm already settling myself down upon his erection. I go slow, since this is my favorite part.

As his head pushes inside me, I can't help but bite my lip in pleasure. The feeling of him slowly filling and stretching me sends a gasp out of my mouth as I sink down fully on top of him, my hands resting on his chest.

"I'll ride you nice and slow," I say with a seductive grin, straddling him with my knees on either side of his hips.

I place my hands on his chest and start to move my hips in a circular motion, grinding against him as he fills me up. The sensation is electric, and I can feel my arousal building with each thrust.

I lean forward and plant a kiss on his lips, our tongues dancing together in a heated embrace. I start to move my hips faster, riding him with abandon for...minutes? Hours? Days? I was no longer able to keep track of time as my body started to tremble with pleasure.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" He groans and I feel him begin to throb inside me.

My second favorite part, I think to myself as I feel the hot, thick liquid shooting inside of me. The sensation is enough to push my over the edge as I close my eyes and begin to enter a body-shaking orgasm.

As I open my eyes to meet Jak-...

Its black.

Panic fills my chest right before the feeling of falling at a high velocity starts to set in. I feel my skirt rustling against me from the wind that before the sudden, painful stop.

I land on my butt, a small solace considering it took the brunt of the impact.

My senses slowly return to me - between the throws of pleasure and panic, my brain must have short-circuited and is now doing a hard reset. The feeling of cold as the cobblestones below me begin to sap the heat from my bare thighs. The smell of wet stone enters my nostrils as my eyes begin to take in the environment around me.

At first glance it looks to be an alleyway. A cobblestone path leads extends down on my left and right, bordered by buildings made of a similar material. Its dark, except for the flickering lights at the ends of the alley that flicker as passerbys walk in front of the source.

The panic has left and confusion has taken its place. I feel a luke-warm liquid run down my thighs before realizing its Jakes semen running out of my still-quivering pussy.

I stand, my legs now jelly due to mixture of the intense orgasm and extreme fear I just experienced. Bracing myself against the stone wall with my hand, I look down the alleyway to my left. It seems like a figure has left the bustling street and is cutting through the alley.

Without thinking, I begin sprinting towards them - my wet feet splashing in the puddles of standing water.

"Hey! You, please hel-"

I cut off my plea for assistance as As it comes into full view. A 7 foot tall, Standing on its hind legs wearing nothing but a leather sash and a loincloth.

It looks down at me with indifference in its eyes. It takes me in before opening its mouth and...its SPEAKING?!?

"How much?"

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