The Courtesan

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A harmony of giggles comes out of the women behind Isabell.

"The Wabbajack finds all of the new girls, but it looks like it took a liking to you." She smirks, appraising my still quivering body as I pant on the now messy bed.

"Hrrr, I remember my first time..." A tall - female judging by the noticeable breasts - Gnoll says almost dreamily.

"Your first time, Nisha? How often do you use that wretched thing?" A Dyrad woman looks at the Gnoll with a twinge of disgust in her voice.

"As often as I need, Yttryla, the men of your humanoid species often leave me feeling...unsatisfied," Nisha replies with some disdain as she steps into my room to grab the apparently magic dildo - pinching it between two clawed fingers as if it was a bomb that could go off at any time.

"I don't even know why we keep that mockery of Dryadic magic around, it honestly sickens me," Says Yttryla unconvincingly, her eyes betraying her true thoughts as they linger on the Wabbajack.

"Because it just shows back up whenever we throw it out," Isabell says, keeping a safe distance from Nisha and the now seemingly benign wooden dildo as they pass back into the hallway.

Yttryla follows closely behind the Gnoll as the human girl regards me again. "Dinner is in a few hours - why don't and meet us after?"

"Uhh..sure. That'd be nice, thank you" I say, embarrassed. I fix my compromised position and sit at the edge of the bed.

"See you then, Sarah." She gives me a pleasant smile and closes the door behind her as she leaves.

Laying back down on the bed, my heart rate finally slowing down, I notice that I do feel exhausted. My eyes droop and I quickly fall asleep.

[Class Promotion! - Prostitute ---> Courtesan!]

[Courtesan Level 6!]

[Active Ability Gained! - Orgasm Control!]

[Passive Ability Gained! - Friend of the Dryads!]

[Passive Ability Gained! - Elegant Appearance!]

The strange words boom in my head, waking me up.

"There it is again!" I exclaim, panting. The pleasant, slightly robotic voice still echoes in my head.

I sit up in the bed, the reflection in the mirror mimicking my movement.

Woah. I think, looking at my face in the glass. It's definitely me, but...with a full face of makeup? And my hair, a little frizzy looking from the lack of modern shampoo and conditioner earlier, is now silky smooth, my blond hair almost gleaming in the sun.

My outfit, almost certainly ruffled by my recent activity, looks as if it were just dry-cleaned. "Well, that explains [Elegant Appearance]." I pause, noticing how the last words in that sentence seem to weigh more than the rest.

Now, I wonder what the other two do?

I assume I must have gotten [Friend of the Dryads] by...helping Alder. Does it mean that Dryads just like me more than usual? Is that even useful?

[Orgasm Control]'s use seems obvious, but does that mean I can control mine? Or control others'? Both...?

As I continue to think about my newfound Abilities, dozens of other questions enter my mind. What determines if I level up? Why am I a [Courtesan] now - is it because I work for a [Madame]?

Becoming increasingly caught up in my own head, I notice it seems that the reflection in the mirror in front of me is starting to blur. I rub my eyes, but it doesn't fix the blurriness that seems localized to the mirror. Instead, the haze begins to coalesce into words around the edge of my reflection:

Sarah Silverman: Level 6 [Courtesan]

XP: [|||||| ] | 1000/7000XP

HP: 100/100 | MP: 25/25

Abilities: -

[Look of Seduction] (Active)

[Orgasm Control] (Active)

[Basic Disease Resistance] (Passive)

[Friend of the Dryads] (Passive)

[Elegant Appearance] (Passive)

Equipped: +

I stare in disbelief at the text above my reflection's head. This looks exactly like some of the video games that Alex plays! My index finger hovers shakily over where [Friend of the Dryads] is written and suddenly the other words on the mirror fade away as the text under my finger expands.

I pull my hand away in a fear that is quickly replaced with curiosity as I read the new words on the reflection now:

[Friend of the Dryads] (Passive)

...Obtained by befriending one of the Dryadic Race. Gives a passive +25 increase to Mana Points (MP), a +2 Increase to Relation with all Dryads, and a +5% bonus to Nature attack and defense.

I breathe out in amazement. "Okay, that's fucking sick" 

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