The Test

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Between Madame Sable's tone and Poppaea's expectant glare, it was obvious to me that I had no choice but to go along with this woman. Sure, I could simply walk out of here - but then where would I be?

The intimidating woman extends her hand and I take it, admiring her flawless manicure and smooth skin as she brings me up from my seat so that we are standing side-by-side. It's like velvet! I think to myself, She must be at least in her mid forty's but there's no sign of aging on these hands!

No words are exchanged as the distinct sound of clinking coins is heard between the [Sacerdote's] hand and that of the [Madame]. They give each other a curt nod - one of two people bound by convenience and necessity rather than choice - before I find myself following in her brisk, clicking footsteps until we are outside of the church.

"I always found it so...stuffy in there." Madame Sable says in her slow, cat-like voice as she pulls a long, thin-handled piece of wood with a short tube at its end out of...seemingly nowhere.

The [Madame] notices my confusion before smirking. "Every lady should have a few tricks up her sleeve." She says coyly before pulling what looks to be a cigarette - already lit - out of the same nothingness before placing it in the tube at the end of her device and taking a long drag from its other end.

"Follow me, dear," she says, smoke escaping from her mouth. "Many things to do today, no time to waste." She says, flicking her cigarette holder away. I wait for it to hit the ground, but it seems to just...vanish before it can. Madame Sable beckons me to follow her and I do.

"How did you do that?" I ask, matching her brisk pace down the street.

"Isn't an obvious? It's an Ability - as for which one, you'll have to guess. I can't simply tell anyone and everyone what Abilities I have" she scoffs as we begin to enter a busier portion of the city. I brace myself to begin weaving my way through the crowd, but instead, it simply seems to part before Madame Sable as she strides confidently forward - as if it is afraid to slow her pace.

"An Ability? I have one of those - I think. It's [Sed-" I begin to say.

"Now now, you'll have time to show me soon enough," says the [Madame] gesturing up the stairs that we have now stopped in front of.

My eyes follow her gesture, continuing up past the lordly wooden door that is painted a shade of deep blue and locking onto the sign that hangs up above it with similarly colored letters:

Madame Sabel's Lazuli Lounge

"La-zuh-lee Lounge?" I pronounce the unfamiliar word slowly.

"Correct. Lapis Lazuli is a type of stone, my dear - deep blue in color and exceptionally beautiful, especially when polished. Fitting, really, if you think about it" She says, walking up the stairs and holding open the door for me.

I follow her up and step inside. Immediately, I was enveloped by a wave of smoke, perfumes, and the sound of music and laughter. The foyer was dimly lit, with plush carpets covering the floors and velvet curtains dividing the space, all various shades of the same dark blue of the establishment's namesake. A small bar stood on one side, tended by a young woman with bright azure lips and wearing a tight bodice that did plenty to accentuate her breasts.

"Is this the new girl, [Madame]?" asked the young woman. "She don't look like much." she continued, her accent bordering on that of what I could only describe as Jersey-ish.

"Quiet, Isabell - you were no more impressive you first walked through the door" snapped the [Madame]. Isabell flustered, returned to polishing glasses on the bar without another word. "Through here." Madame Sable gestured towards a door with a gilded silver handle. "My office."

The Wandering Whore: Book 1 - The Lazuli LoungeWhere stories live. Discover now