The Bell

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[Look of Seduction]?

The words that rang in my head prior to falling unconscious last night came back to me. "[Prostitute Level 1]?" I say aloud. My eyes widen.

That sounds exactly like Alex when he's playing that game!

I remember occasionally listening into the snippets of conversation that came from him and his friends while they discussed and argued their characters. Granted, theirs' sounded much less...real - like [Paladin], [Sorcerer], or [Rouge]. But, [Prostitute]?!


"[Basic Disease Resistance]?" I cringe at the implication, remembering the intense musk from the Gnoll - who I doubted bathed on a regular occasion.

"Did I just fucking level up?" I ask no one in particular, partly in bewilderment and partly in anger.

That's impossibl-

I can't complete my thought before my stomach grumbles impatiently. Oh right, still need the other essentials.

How am I supposed to get food and shelter when I just spent my only coin on some raggedy clothing? I kick myself for my lack of foresight as I hear the bell begin tolling throughout the city.

A bell? The only time I've ever heard a bell toll was at the church where my grandmother's funeral was held.


An idea begins to formulate in my mind - don't churches also have assistance programs for the needy? It's worth a shot. I think to myself as I begin making my way down the opposite end of the alley toward the sound of the bell.

As I step onto this new street I can't help but notice that it is not nearly as busy as the one where the merchants were located. In fact, some parts looked downright dilapidated.

I take a deep breath and start to make my way down the street, keeping my eyes peeled for any signs that might point me toward the church. It's not long before I hear the sound of a bell tolling again in the distance, its steady rhythm reverbing off the cobblestone road and brick buildings.

I keep following the sound, weaving my way around loose stones and potholes in the road. At one point, I find myself passing a group of tough-looking men lounging outside a dingy tavern. I can feel their eyes on me as I hurry past, but I keep my head down and don't look back.

As I get closer to the source of the bell, the streets start to thin out and the buildings grow taller and more imposing. I pass under a stone archway and suddenly find myself in a shadowy courtyard, surrounded by the soaring buttresses of a massive cathedral.

The bell has since tolled its final ring, its sound echoing off the stone walls and filling the air with a sense of solemnity. I hurry towards the cathedral doors, unsure of what awaits me inside.

When I finally push my way inside, I'm struck by the hush that descends upon me. The air is cool and still, and the only sound is the distant echo of footsteps and hushed conversation throughout the building.

I make my way towards the altar, where a group of robed figures are gathered in quiet conversation. They turn to look at me as I approach, and I can feel their eyes assessing me.

Unexpectedly, they're all female. Tall and slender, with angular features and olive skin.

"Can I help you, my child?" one of them asks kindly, her voice sweet and oddly sing-songy.

I take a deep breath "I'm hungry and have no place to stay," I say, my voice shaky but determined. "I'm not from here I-."

Damn! I should have thought this through, I can't tell them I'm not from this world!

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