Ingredients For Survival

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The bright sunlight that seemed to pierce my eyelids and go straight to the back of my skull is what awoke me. It was obvious what I had...experienced last night was no dream - I was no idiot despite what people would whisper behind my back.

I graduated in the top of my high school class - not first place, but third place isn't bad either. It was enough to get me accepted to Yale after all.

Unimportant now. I'm sticky. Like, really sticky.

Fuck. I groan internally at whatever composition of bodily fluids and alley muck the sun has baked onto my skin and clothing. I look up into the sky to determine the time of day - I'm guessing early morning and judging by the position of the suns I'd say I'm right-



The best I can do is glance before my retinas scream at me, but there are definitely two suns in the sky, albeit one being much smaller than the other. My heart races as I realize that, apart from the walking, talking dogs, this is not right. This can't even be Earth, right?

My inner astrologist is quickly pushed aside by my more animal instincts - specifically the ones that tell me how thirsty and hungry I am.

I push myself up off the ground, savoring the cool moistness of the stone wall as I lean against it for support. In doing so, I notice the aching sensation that radiates from my lower abdomen. I can't believe that happened...I can't believe much I enjoyed it. I bite my lip - I may not be stupid but the other things whispered behind my back had some truth to them - I was a bit of a nymphomaniac.

Well, guess now they're right about me fucking dogs too. I scoffed outwardly and bent down to pick up the silver coin laying on the ground next to me to examine it. Some nameless face staring back at me with the words:


"Is that...Latin?" I asked myself, confused.

Well, the Gnoll seemed to understand me at least - they speak English here. A small consolation in the grand scheme of things, I suppose.

First things first, I'm obviously stuck...wherever this is, so I need to get the three basic ingredients of survival: Food, Water, and Shelter.

Thankfully it's early morning in what appears to be Spring, I have time before it gets too cold to find a place to stay for the night, leaving food and water as the top priorities. Well and... I look down and my, now shabby, stained, and tattered remains of what was already very little in the way of proper clothing and decide that I can add one thing to the survival list:


I place the silver coin in my cleavage since it goes without saying I have no pockets to put it in and decide that I'll take the right alley to what appears to be the main street.

The approach to the street could only hint as to what would come - the air seemingly began to vibrate with the activity that was occurring beyond the exit of the alleyway. My nose became instantly aware of the scents of exotic spices, sizzling meats, and acrid smoke of open flames as I exited onto the main street.

I had no time to appreciate the smells before I was sucked into the mass of bodies going about their business - too busy to look down at the mess that was my appearance. While following the flow of traffic I quickly came upon what I was looking for, a human merchant loudly proclaiming the quality of his clothing.

The merchant was a gregarious-looking fellow with a large, bushy mustache and a wide smile. He greeted the few people that stopped at his stall warmly. However, his face scrunched up into a mix of concern and disgust upon laying his eyes on me.

"And what can I do for you, young lady?" he asked cautiously.

"What can I get for this?" I asked, pulling the coin from between my breasts and showing him.

"Not much, I'm afraid." the merchant frowned, his eyes lingering on my chest for a moment longer than the coin.

I examine the stall, trying to assess what I may be able to afford:

The stall was crammed with all manner of clothing, from shimmering silks to rough-spun woolens. I couldn't help but be impressed by the variety of colors and textures on display. However, I knew I'd likely have to settle for those brown, crudely made shirts and pants whose hems were already frayed.

Sighing, I motion to my selection, indicating that I'd like to purchase what looked to be essentially two potato sacks that were haphazardly shaped into something wearable.

"Hmm, that's about all I have that you can afford - that'll be one silver and three copper, please," he said and looked at me expectantly.

"Copper? I - I don't have any copper" I stuttered, my thin veil of nonchalance was quickly torn away to reveal the scared woman beneath.

"Then I'm afraid we don't have a deal." He said gruffly - any inkling of warmth now gone from his voice. He began to turn away to continue the advertising of his wares.

"No, wait! I need these, please!" I said with a slight whimper in my voice. Sometimes the whimper was manufactured, it was often all it took to put an argument in my favor - but not now, this was all too real.

Fortunately, the effect seems to be the same regardless.

"Miss..." He started as his voice softened.

Our eyes met for a moment - all the time it took me to fully fall into the pathetic, scared girl routine (which, admittedly didn't need much doing in my current state.) I let my eyes fall into the big, puppy-dog stare that always seemed to work.


My expression quickly changed from pitiful to that of abject confusion. "What the-"

[Ability Activated! - Look of Seduction!]

The merchant's face became red as his pupils dilated. "M-Miss...Uh-." He stammered, flustered. "Forget it, one silver - it's all yours." He palmed my coin and gestured to the clothes while averting his gaze from mine.

I didn't stop to ask any questions, I quickly grabbed the shirt and pants before heading back to the safety of my alleyway to change. Thankfully no one was present as I peeled my soiled crop top and miniskirt my body and replaced them with the scratchy linen top and pants.

Clothing: Check.

Now, what the hell happened back there?

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