The First Supper

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 After returning to our rooms to change into new clothes and rest for a moment before dinner, Xiao and I meet again in the hallway where we first met just an hour or so earlier. She seems to be in a much better mood than when we left each other and greets me warmly, a full, genuine smile on her face.

"The others are likely already in the dining room - it's ghishal for dinner tonight so no one wants to be the last one to sit," says Xiao, gesturing for me to follow her.

"Ghishal?" I ask, nothing comes to mind when I hear the word - not anything edible, anyway.

"Of course, you're not from here so I've been told. Ghishal is a fish. Somewhat uncommon - it's a delicacy here in Unum."

I can do fish. I thought she was going to say something ridiculous, like unicorn soup or something.

Xiao pushes open double doors to reveal the dining room - three separate tables, each set with elegant dinnerware and tablecloths, sitting a different clique at each one. The one closest to the doors consists of some faces I recognize: Nisha the Gnoll and the Dryads, Yttryla and Gallae. Sitting with them is a Human I don't recognize. She's bald, but her ample breasts tell me I'm not making the same mistaken assumption that I did with Gallae.

Her skin is ebony, a shade darker than anything I've seen in my world, and as hairless as her head. My eyes can't help but linger on her baldness as Xiao sits at their table, her eyes telling me to sit in the chair next to her.

"New girl!" Nisha exclaims loud enough for the other tables to look at us as I sit.

"Inside voice, Nisha," Gallae says coolly, making the Gnoll's ears flatten in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I've just been excited to speak to the two that bedded a lord. On your first day!" She says, her volume only slightly lower.

This second outburst draws the attention of Isabell, who sits at a separate table composed exclusively of Human women.

"Nisha." The bald woman hisses, "You're making a poor impression upon her! Please excuse her, she's...excitable. My name is Hilsa."

"Sarah. Nice to meet you." I respond, a stifled laugh sneaking into my voice. I notice a refinement in Hilsa's speech that sounds similar to Xiao's. Is she dishonored royalty, too? Just what kind of brothel is this?

"We're happy to have you here, even if we are envious of your luck with clientele." Yttryla chimes in coyly before noticing the well-dressed server headed towards us, pushing a cart full of plates of steaming food.

My mouth waters at the smell, originally unaware that I was starving. It's been a long day, not to mention that handling two men and a magic dildo can really work up a girl's hunger. The plates are set down in front of us as another server fills our glasses with what looks to be white wine - obviously, a set drinking age doesn't exist here.

The meal looks, thankfully, similar to something I would see back home. Composed of a single, well-sized fillet that reminds me of salmon, set atop a mound of a rice pilaf that's dotted with what looks to be mini blueberries.

None of us waste any time - I take a forkful of my dish and cautiously place it in my mouth. As I bite down, the small berries pop in my mouth and a tartness follows shortly behind. It combines well with the strange sweetness of the flaky fish, creating one of the best single bites I have ever experienced.

Washing it with a sip from my glass, I see that everyone else feels the same. Nisha ravages her proportionately larger portion while the Dryads, Xiao, and Hilsa eat so daintily it almost makes me uncomfortable. I even see Madame Sable, sitting at a smaller table for two with Alder, smiling in enjoyment of her meal.

The atmosphere and food create a sense of comfort that is in conflict with what I think I should be feeling. Which is terror and anxiety at the prospect of being completely cut off from my friends and family, all the while dropped into an unfamiliar world filled with fantastical races and magic. I lean into the feeling, enjoying this moment that would be so rare in my own home instead of lingering on the impossibility of the whole situation.

A sound of a chair sliding against the hardwood floor draws our attention. We look up to see the [Madame] standing, rapping on her wine glass to gain the other's attention.

"Ladies! Your attention, please!" Says the regal woman before continuing.

"I would like to welcome a new addition to the Lazuli Lounge! Sarah, please stand."

All eyes are immediately on me. I stand, annoyed at the invasion of the mood, while everyone claps politely.

"She's only been here a day and has already impressed many of us with her...skills."

I see Isabell's eyes roll at that, doing some to confirm my suspicions of her.

"So please, everyone give her a warm welcome. And my compliments to the chef!" She raises her glass before taking a long sip - the rest of us following suit before I sit back down.

"High praises from the [Madame]. You should know it is not easy to impress her." Says Gallae.

"Even stranger is that Gallae is complimenting her," Hilsa interjects, "You must be someone special!" she laughs.

My face flushes and I attempt to hide myself in my wineglass. I'm thankful when Nisha interrupts their praises.

"You all are embarrassing the girl, no? And you say I have poor manners." The Gnoll scoffs, eliciting more laughter from the others.

I feel the warm, comforting feeling return as I return to my food and I think to myself:

I could get used to this.

The Wandering Whore: Book 1 - The Lazuli LoungeWhere stories live. Discover now