The Nobleman's Son

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No longer tired thanks to the adrenaline rush of this insane discovery, I decide to experiment more with the mirror instead of resting until dinner.

Equipped? I wonder to myself as my finger hovers over the respective words on the mirror:

Equipped: -

Chest: Lace Blouse

Armor: Leather Bodice

Underwear: N/A

Legs: Long socks

Feet: N/A

I look at the list and stifle a laugh. No underwear, of course - I hate underwear anyway.

Selecting the "Chest" item, it expands with additional detail regarding the blouse I'm currently wearing:

Shirt: Lace Blouse

This cotton blouse has been made with great care - apparent by the intricate lace adorning its edges and center. Its quite low-cut, making it impractical for formal occasions. Thin and delicate, this item provides so special stat bonuses.

"I excepted as much, I suppose." I murmur to myself.

 I tinker with the mirror for a while longer, reading the various Ability descriptions and equipment bonuses. One thing of note is that the [Orgasm Control] seems to work both ways, I can control someone else's, but also my own.

Not that I would want to do that to myself. I smirk at my reflection in the mirror.

...Does [Look of Seduction] work both ways, too?

I look into my reflection's eyes and focus:



[Ability on Cooldown! - Look of Seduction (30 Minutes)]

"Huh, I figure its been about an hour since I used it on Alder. An hour-and-a-half cooldown? Not...terrible, I guess."

I shrug, mildly disappointed. Does that imply it was still going to work on me?

Not really wanting to stand in my empty room for half-an-hour, I decide to join the others for dinner. 

Is it too early for that? I recall Isabell mentioning it that it'd still be a few hours, and I likely played with the mirror for only 45 minutes or so. She also neglected to tell me where dinner would be held.

Was that on purpose? Is she going be an issue? I think to myself, making my way to the door of the bedroom before realizing that I probably don't want all my information still being displayed on the mirror. Turning around to face it, I find just a plain reflection looking back at me.

"Convenient." I think aloud before exiting my room. I look both ways down the hallway, seeing nothing but rows of doors along either side - must be 14 rooms in total at a quick glance. There are no other souls but me here, not odd considering how a brothel probably isn't the most bustling place mid-day.

Brothel. My eyes widen slightly as I stop in my tracks. Am I really just a prostitute now? 


I snap out of my short-lived existential crisis and look up at the unfamiliar woman. Another human by the looks of it, slightly taller than me with similarly blonde hair - though hers is short and curly as opposed to my long, straight cut.

"Yes...?" I respond, still partly caught up in my own thoughts.

"Isabell said you'd be free...since we're both new we have to-...Oh, I'm Xiao. Xiao Tiaong - Sorry, I should have started with that" She stumbles over herself slightly, pronouncing her name as "She-ow Tea-Young".

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