The Gnoll

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"I said, how much?" repeated the fur-covered stranger.

"I-I don't understand," I replied

The dogman/werewolf/whatever looks at me and grins sheepishly, as much as a dog can grin sheepishly.

"How much does cost?"

I suddenly became aware of my outfit. Oh shit, he thinks I'm a prostitute! Well, I do look like some half-assed schoolgirl cosplay in an amateur porno. Not to mention the cum leaking out of me and down my leg didn't exactly help my case.

"You got the wrong idea! I'm not a prostitute! I-I don't know how I got here, I'm not from here I-"

"Oh, I get it," The dogman says, ears laid back and a scowl forming on his face.

"You don't do business with Gnolls, huh? Don't lie to me girl, I can smell it on you" He points to his nose and sniffs.

I back up, my hands out in front of me. A...Gnoll?! I've heard that before, but where? I take another step back.

"Bah! A back-alley whore and a racist?" he growls. "You're going to take my money and you're going to like it!" he barks, stepping forward aggressively and grabbing my wrist in an iron-like grasp.

The pain shoots up my right arm. He's strong! I gasp outwardly as he pulls me into him, the smell of wet dog invading my nostrils as my face is buried into his fur.

"Hrmph, I'll show you what you're missing out on! You'll learn to love Gnoll-cock!" says the Gnoll as he pins me against the wall. There's no use in resisting as he pulls up my skirt, even mustering all my strength doesn't let me move an inch!

"Not even wearing anything under this skimpy piece of cloth? Hah! I knew you were a common whore!" He mocks as I hear him fumble with his loincloth.

"You're bare down here? Interesting" he muses as if he has all the time in the world. "Humans have always been strange to me." I feel the heat of his erection as it rubs against me.

Jesus Christ! This is actually happening, I'm going to get raped by this dogman! The full weight of this realization hits me like a bus and I redouble my efforts to get away. Ironically or not, the lessons they taught me in middle school about stranger danger surface in my memory and I begin to kick and struggle with all my might to no avail. Then I remember the most important lesson - I need to make as much noise as I can!


I try to shout for help but the Gnoll places his large paw over my mouth and stifles my scream.

No dice. I think to myself. There was one final last-ditch effort If I remember correctly...

I stop resisting and relax my body the best I can in the situation. I arch my back and press my ass against his cock.

...Act like you love it and they'll leave you be.

"Ha! I knew you'd come around!" chuckles the Gnoll before he presses the tip of his dick against the entrance of my pussy.

Fuck, that's not worki-

I'm barely able to complete the thought before he pushes fully into me. It's HUGE! My moan is muffled by his furry paw and he stretches and fills me to the absolute limit that my anatomy will allow.

"Damn, almost too tight for me, Human" he breathes before pulling back out partially.

I feel his hot breath as he continues to hold me up against the wall and thrust into me. I moan louder with every thrust of his massive member.

Wait, no I can't like this! He's raping me!

But there's no denying it, I'm moaning and whining in pleasure and this Gnoll uses my pussy in an abandoned alley. I begin pushing back into him with my hips to match his rhythm as I feel us both coming closer and closer to the precipice of ecstasy.

The massive Gnoll man pulls all the way out for one agonizing moment before slamming back into me with all the force and lust of a man - no - a beast approaching orgasm. I feel his cum pump into me and it's all I can do to not scream at the mind-bending orgasm currently shaking me to my very core.

His thick Gnoll cock keeps throbbing as he continues to fill my pussy until his semen is running down my legs in streams.

"Good thing I can't impregnate humans" He pants as he releases my arm and reaches into a bag tied to his side.

My legs are not strong enough to hold me - I drop to the ground in a shaking, quivering mess. I try to say something - anything as the distinct ping of metal on stone draws my attention to the silver coin in front of me.

"For a job well done, Human" he grunts as he walks off, not sparing me a second glance as I lay in the alleyway, in a pool of his thick white semen that is still leaking out of me.

I can do nothing as the exhaustion settles upon me and forces my eyes to droop beyond my control.

[Prostitute Class Obtained!]

[Prostitute Level 1!]

[Active Ability Gained - Look of Seduction!]

[Passive Ability Gained - Basic Disease Resistance!]

Uncomprehending, I pass into unconsciousness.

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