FIVE 05. Mamá y Papá

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third person point of view 

It had been a couple days sense the J.V had pranked the varsity back and the varsity team hadn't 
done anything back yet, leaving the ducks relieved but also on edge at all times just in case. Delilah was hoping they would drop it and never do anything else back, but she knew better. 

"Awe man, the new jackets are sick!" A boy on the team, Wyatt was what Delilah thought his name was, exlaimed from his seat at the lunch table.

"Yo Delilah, where's you're jacket?" Cole asked.

"Oh yeah, where is it?" Rick added on.

"Its right here, calm you're tits." Delilah held up her red lettermen jacket for a second before setting it back in her lap and going back to her lunch.

"Put it on, you look emo in all black." Rick smirked.

Delilah rolled her eyes letting out a sign, sarcastically smiling at a very amused looking Rick as she put the jacket on.

"Better?" Delilah untucked her hair from the jacket and looked around the table for approval.

"Yes." Cole nodded making Delilah roll her eyes.

"Also my shirts dark brown, not black." Delilah eyed Rick.

"Oh boys," Rick piped up, ignoring Delilah "I think it's time."

"Oh yes, I believe so."Scooter stood up with the rest of the boys and fixed his jacket.

"W- wait, t-time, time for what?" Adam asked with the same confused look as the girl next to him.

"Oh! Well I'm glad you asked freshies," Rick clapped his hands together and the two rolled their eyes. "So every year its tradition for the varsity to treat the J.V to dinner." Rick explained. 

Delilahs eyes lit up and smiled, thinking they where finally coming to their senses and being the bigger person to end this stupid shit. "Awe, thats great you guys!"Delilah smiled brightly.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Rick rolled his eyes, "Lets go," Rick lead the group to the table the ducks sat at.

"Hey, check out the new jackets guys." Delilah heard Averman laugh.

Delilah ignored him and found her way over to Julie and Connie. 

"Hey guys." Delilah placed her hand on Julies shoulder.

"Hey babe, I am living for your outfit." Connie smiled. 

"The jacket goes well." Julie said sarcastically.

"Oh, shut up," Delilah laughed. "Jules your hair looks amazing."

"Oh, why thank you. A speical someone helped me this morning." Julie touched one of her space buns and winked at Delilah and Delilah just smiled back.

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