Chapter 26

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Linda sat down and Danny started up again. "Boys, please go in the other room. You too Nicky" Erin said to the kids. "I'm just saying I think the Harvard graduates don't need to be announcing their love constantly." Danny said. "Oh here we go." Jamie said under his breath. "Ok, Danny you apologized but you're still dwelling on the fact we are together. What is the problem?" I asked genuinely concerned over it. "I don't have an issue I just think it's stupid he let Sydney go for you" "Daniel Reagan are you kidding me? All of that to say he was stupid for letting Sydney go? I'm done." I said getting up and running out of the house with tears streaming down my face. "Kenna, wait." Jamie said grabbing my arm with Erin and Linda right behind him. "What Jamie" I said trying to calm myself down. "Look at me, please?" "Why?" I said as I turned around wiping my tears. "Am I not good enough for you guys?" I said as Jamie pulled me into a hug. "Babe, don't cry. It's ok, you're more then good enough." He said squeezing me a little bit. "Danny is just trying to get under your skin. We know you are more then good enough. Just don't let it get to you." Erin said rubbing my back. "Don't worry I'll beat his ass later ok?" Linda said brushing my hair out of my face.  I laughed a little, "Ok Linda" I said trying to hold it together as best as I could. "Is she ok?" Frank asked from behind us. 

I pulled away from Jamie wiping my tears before I said anything. "I think so." I said still with a very shaky voice. "Kenna, come here." Frank said gesturing for me to go over to him. "We know that Jamie was very very stupid for picking Sydney over you. We love you more then we ever did her. I promise." Frank said hugging me. "If a Harvard graduate can't figure out his girl problems then we might have an issue." Erin added laughing a little bit. "Well, either way we are happy to have this girl in our family. I know Jamie is too" Linda said grabbing me from Frank. Erin walked over behind Jamie and shoved him my way. "Say something you idiot." Erin said as she shoved him. "Fine I will damn." Jamie said stumbling. "You mean so much more to me then she ever did. I promise you. I can't imagine how things would've went if her and I actually got married. I have you now and I'm not going to let you go even if Danny doesn't approve. I don't care what he thinks anymore. I love you." Jamie said. "I love you too Jameson." I said walking over to him and hugging him. "Kiss her Jamie." Erin said very disgusted. 

Jamie leaned in for a kiss, surely it was a little weird in front of his dad but I love him. He pulled away and hugged me again, "Dad, do you mind if we head out?" Jamie asked still holding on to me. "Not at all, get your girl home." He said as he started back for the house. "Kenna, I'm here if you need me ok?" Linda said pulling me from Jamie and hugging me. "Thank you Linda." I said hugging her back. "Get her home." Erin said hugging me. "You heard her Reagan, take me home." I said laughing going back towards him. "This way my lady." He said sarcastically leading me to my car. "Thanks Reagan." I said unlocking it. "For what?" "Standing up to your brother, actually caring for me." "MaKenna seriously? I've always cared for you." He said grabbing my hips and pushing me against my car door. "Yeah but I've never seen you try to stand up to Danny, especially for me." "I'll do anything for you." "Anything?" "Yeah anything." "Ok well follow me home." I said pushing away to get in my car. "Fine." He said kissing me before I shut the door in his face. 

I slumped down into my seat thinking about all the things that had just happened. I heard pounding on my window, I rolled down my window to see Danny. "What do you want?" I said in a snappy tone. " I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what I had said, plus my actions toward you and Jamie. It just the case I am working on is super tough and I feel guilty for taking my frustrations out on you guys." Danny said. "It's fine I guess. You need to apologize to Jamie as well, plus you didn't even apologize for saying that he was stupid to let Sydney go." I said still upset about the situation. "I am sorry for that, I honestly didn't like her at all." "Then why did you say that stuff then? If you didn't like her then why bring her up at all?" "It's just my case-" "Whatever Danny, I don't have time to listen to your sorry ass excuse. I need to leave. Goodnight." I said Jamie came to my window. "Hey, are you ready?" "Yeah, I was just getting ready to leave" I said motioning for them to step away. 

I looked back to see headlights following me, I knew it was Jamie. I could tell those chevelle headlights from any others. I was used to knowing if he was coming by my house, always used to pick me up in the middle of the night when we would sneak out just to drive around the city. I snapped out of my thoughts and pulled into my driveway, seeing that I had a missed call from the 54 precinct. I rolled my eyes at the notification most likely my mom trying to call me for a bail out. I got out of my car, locked it then met Jamie at the door. "I had a missed call from Danny's precinct" I said trying to unlock the door. "Seriously?" "Yeah I'm pretty sure my mother is trying to get a hold of me for a bail out." I said finally opening the door. We headed inside and I turned on all the lights. "Maybe you should give them a call back ?" Jamie said. "I don't Jamie, I know all she is after is my money. Just so her and Simon can live a stupid little fantasy of us being a family." "It's always worth a shot love" Jamie said kissing my cheek before he flopped down on the couch. I knew the outcome but what did I have to lose?

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