Chapter 33

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We walked back into the dining room all eyes on us. I helped Jamie clear and tried to start on dessert before Linda came and took over. "I'm happy Danny is the one on the case Kenna. He will make sure there is justice for you. Go back into the dining room it will be ready soon." Linda said guiding me through the door. "I'm happy he is too Linda." I said as I walked through the door. I sat back down feeling tired from the events that had happened earlier. "You look like you need to go to bed." Henry said looking at me. "I will be ok until a little later, I just want to chill out for a little while." "Dessert might be a while you can always go shower in the mean time." Linda said sitting down. "Am I able to wash my hair?" "Yes of course, just be careful around the wound site." "Thank you Linda!" I said getting up, Jamie following close behind me. He helped me up the stairs and down the hall to his old room, I opened the door and all the memories rushing back to when he was sitting on the floor sobbing over Joe. I sat and held him as he sobbed, of course when he needed Sydney the most she was no where to be found. 

I saw the bags sitting on the bed, wondering what he had brought for me. "I grabbed that NYPD shirt of mine that you like." Jamie said as he walked into his bathroom to start the shower. "Ok thank you. Can you stay in the room in case I need help getting in and out of the shower?" "Yeah, it's what I'm gonna be here for sweetheart. I won't let you be up here by yourself knowing you're a little off balance still." He said as he helped slide my shirt off looking me up and down. "Hey don't get any ideas there Reagan." "I won't I promise. Do you want me to grab you a towel?" "Yes please" I said walking into the bathroom quickly finishing to get undressed. I got into the shower and adjusted the temperature a little bit to something warmer then what it was on. I washed my hair and body and shut off the water. I reached outside of the shower curtain trying to find the towel Jamie had grabbed for me. "Hey Jamie?" I yelled from the bathroom. "Yes?" "Can you bring me that towel please?" "Yeah be right there." "Thank you." I said as he placed the towel in my hand. 

I wrapped the towel around me and threw on my clothes. I walked into the main part of the bedroom drying my hair as something caught my eye. A picture of Jamie, Joe and I from when we were seniors in high school right after Jamie and I found out we got accepted into Harvard. I walked over and grabbed the frame tears came to my eyes seeing Joe there with us. I set the frame down and turned around to see an emotional Jamie. "Jamie are you ok?" I said walking over to him. "I could've lost you, I like to think Joe was with all of us in that moment. He was there watching over us. More so you, I can't lose you like I did Joe. I never want to experience that kind of grief ever again. I'm so thankful that you are ok and it didn't end terribly." He said with his voice shaking as he sat down on the bed. I sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder. "Jamie I like to think he was with us too. I was worried about you after you saw me in that condition. The look you had on your face was the same look you had when you had found out Joe had passed. I hated seeing you covered in my blood, I can't imagine that was great for you. I love you Jameson Reagan, I always have and always will." I said holding him making sure he was ok. "I love you too MaKenna Newton." He said hugging me tight. 

We sat and had our moment before I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said wiping a mix of mine and Jamie's tears off my cheek. "Hey I just wanted to tell you dessert is ready." Danny said before he shut the door. We went back downstairs hand in hand, walking into a smell of peach cobbler. "It smells good Linda." I said taking my plate from Jamie. "How is your head feeling? You've got some swelling around the forehead gash." "It hurts a little bit, not as bad as before, I think the shower helped with everything." "I will keep checking up on you, and making sure your wounds are staying clean." Linda said smiling at me. "Thank you Linda. I really do appreciate it" I said putting my hand on Jamie's who looked at me and kissed my cheek. 

It was the perfect way to end the day after everything had happened, with my favorite family. We sat in the living room talking for a little bit until Danny and Linda announced they had to get going. "I suppose we better leave, Jack and Sean need to get home and straight to bed." Danny said grabbing their coats. "Thank you for everything today Danny, I'm so beyond grateful for you and your partner." "Anytime kid." He said pulling me into a hug. "We are always here sweetie." Linda said hugging me after Danny. "Thank you guys. Goodnight boys!" I said waving to them. "Goodnight Kenna!" they yelled as they headed out the door. 

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