Chapter 29

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I woke up to the sound of Jamie's alarm going off at 5:15. "Jamie get up" I said laying there with my eyes closed. "5 more minutes." He mumbled. "Now Jamie, we both know you will sleep through your alarm. Come on get up."" Fine, but can you drop off breakfast for me then?" He asked heading into the bathroom. "Yeah I guess so" I said rolling over as the shower started. I fell back asleep for 20 minutes before Jamie woke me up to say goodbye. "Alright, I'm heading out. Can you get me something from our favorite place?" "Yeah, I'm guessing your usual?" "Yes. I love you, see you soon."" I love you too, see you in a little bit" I said as he kissed my forehead. 

I slept until about 7, I got up and got ready to go get Jamie breakfast. I heard my phone buzz on the counter seeing I had a missed called from Erin. I brushed it off figuring it was nothing and headed out the door to our favorite place. I walked out of the restaurant and headed over to Jamie's precinct. It was a very quiet morning in New York, usually it's busy but something tells me today was going to be different. I arrived at the 12th precinct and walked in. "Good morning pretty lady, how can I help you?" Sergeant Renzulli asked me. "Is Officer Reagan busy?" I asked. "He shouldn't be, you need him for something?" "Yeah just dropping something off." I said. "I'll go grab him for you, sit tight." Renzulli said as he walked away to get Jamie. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Erin, "Call me as soon as you see this" it read. I wondered what could be so important. "You can come on back." Renzulli said as I followed him. "Reagan, you got a visitor." he said walking away. "Hey Jamie." I said still confused as to why Erin needed me to call her. "Hey Kenna!" he said as he hugged me. "You're an angel you know that?" "How do you figure Reagan?" "You just are." He said with a smile on his face. 

I felt my phone buzz and saw it was Erin, "Hello?" I said answering the phone a little concerned as to why I needed to call her. "I was just informed that Mandy and Simon got released from the judge. I'm not sure what will happen now as to the restraining order aspect of it. I figured I would give you a heads up before they randomly decided to show up." She said. "Really? Why is it that every time Simon ends up in jail he magically gets out with in 24 hours?" I asked. "From what we have seen is that he has someone that comes and bails him out. Unfortunately for your mom she had to stay and see the judge." "You know that makes me feel good knowing that he's got magic money from someone." I said sarcastically as I looked over at Jamie who was trying to hear the conversation. "It's very suspicious to me. How come it took you so long to answer your phone?" "I was getting Jamie food per his request." I said giggling a little bit. "Oh I see, well I figured I would let you know to be on the lookout for them." "Thanks Erin! I appreciate it!" "Anytime, Jamie mentioned a family meeting with dad and grandpa later tonight." "Yeah, he's worried about my safety and with everything with my mom it's a whole thing. Does Danny know about this?" "Yeah I told him this morning." Jamie said taking the bag of food out of my hand. "Great thanks for letting me know" Erin yelled through the phone and hung up. 

Jamie stood there with his mouth full and exchanged a look with me. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and turned around to see Eddie. "Oh hey Eddie." I said giving her a hug. "How are you doing? I heard there is more issues with your mom and that creep." "I'm ok, just living you know. yeah seems like neither one of them can take a hint." "Oh I'm sorry girl! Hopefully Reagan is keeping you safe." she said motioning to him. "He has been, I promise. I'm pretty sure his family wouldn't be happy if he let something happen to me, right Jamie?" I said smiling at him. He nodded his head and smiled. "Pretty sure the PC would be mad if I didn't protect her." He said nudging me in the ribs. I turned my head and mouthed "ow" to him. Eddie's radio went off for a robbery a few blocks from their precinct. "Alright Reagan we have to go." Eddie said making her way to the car. "Jamie, stay safe come home to me in one piece ok?" I said hugged him. He hugged me tighter and placing a quick kiss on my lips. "I will don't worry, I love you." "I love you too" I said watching him run to catch up to Eddie. 

I said my goodbyes to Renzulli and walked out to my car with a bad feeling in my stomach. I went over to the DA's office to talk to Erin. I texted Erin letting her know I was coming to talk to her. I walked in and met her at the door, "So what's on your mind?" She said opening the door to her office which read "Erin Reagan" in bold gold letters. "Erin I have a bad feeling, like something is going to happen to me." I said sitting down on the couch with her. "What do you mean? Nothing will happen if Jamie and Danny stay around." "Erin, Danny and I aren't on the best terms. I feel Danny won't be here to protect me." "Kenna, just because you and Danny are at odds doesn't mean he won't be there to protect you. He loves you like another little sister. He will always be here for you." She said rubbing my back as I felt a tear shed from my eye. "I just feel with Simon being out and being released on bail with magic money no one knows about. I just have a horrible feeling." I said start to cry more. "Nothing will happen. As long as my brothers are around you have nothing to worry about, and the police commissioner is a phone call away." She said hugging me. "Thank you Erin." I said wiping my tears and looking her. "Of course. Get home safe, only saying that because we love you" She said guiding me to the door. "I will, and I love you guys too." I said waving goodbye and walking out the door. 

I got into my car and headed home, hoping to get a nap before the "family meeting" with the Reagan's tonight after Jamie gets off. I noticed a black car following very closely behind me, I took a few rights then a left. Finally lost them, I made it home after finding myself driving past the Reagan house hold. I pulled into my driveway and into the garage where I unlocked my door and went inside. I looked out the window and saw that same car driving by, extremely slow. Little did I know what was about to come. 

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