Chapter 27

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I sat down next to Jamie debating on calling the precinct back. I finally gave in and called down. "54 precinct Detective Curatola speaking." "Hey this is MaKenna Newton calling, I saw I had a missed call from you guys, just wanted to know what it's about!" I said looking at Jamie and rolling my eyes. "Ah yes! Newton, your mom was calling I can put her on the line for you" "Yeah go ahead." I said as I got put on hold. "I knew it was my mom" I said to Jamie. "I figured too." He said sliding over by me to hear what she has to say. "MaKenna, is that you?" "Yeah mom what do you want?" I asked looking at Jamie. "I was just wondering if you can pay mine and Simon's bail?" "No mom, maybe try the other two children, but not me. I'm not going to bail you and your creep ass boyfriend out of jail." I said completely pissed off at this point. "I've already tried Dakota and she said that she don't have any money, and she said that she has no reason to help me. Casey said he could care less about us. You're the last hope." She said pleading. "Ok well, I have NO reason to help you either. You can wait to see the judge. Goodbye" I said hanging up.

I set my phone down next to me and leaned back. "That kinda felt good to tell my mom no" I said looking at Jamie and smiling. "It's time she learns." He said running his fingers through my hair. "Danny would be proud" I said as my phone rung. Favorite little sister, "Who is it?" Jamie asked putting his arm around me. "Dakota" I said answering the face time. "Hi Dakota" I said happy to see her bright smiling face. "Hey Kenna, Oh hey Jamie." She said smiling and giggling a little bit."Hi Kota" Jamie said. "Did mom call you too?" She asked me. "Yeah, I told her no. She really thinks I want to help her and her creepy ass boyfriend." "Especially with the shit she has put you through, absolutely not." Dakota said as she looked a little confused about how close Jamie and I were. "Kenna?" "Kota?" "Is there something you need to tell me?" "Oh yeah" I said and laughed. "Jamie and I officially together." "Ahhh finally. I'm so happy for you guys." She said smiling. "Awww thank you!" I said. "Well I got to go to sleep, I have a huge exam tomorrow and I don't want to fail. Being a Harvard college student is hard." She said laughing. "Tell us about it! But good luck Kota! I love and miss you." "I love and miss you too, Bye Kenna, Bye Jamie" She said. "Bye Kota." We said at the same time. 

My little sister Dakota, my favorite sibling (don't tell Casey) going to school to be a lawyer, she really looks up to Erin. I put my head on Jamie's shoulder. "Jamie?" "Yes?" "Can we go to bed?" "You have tomorrow off?""Yeah I always have Mondays off you know this Jamie" I said sitting up and looking at him. "I think tomorrow we need to have a group meeting with Dad, Grandpa and Danny about your mom and Simon." "I don't know, Danny and I aren't on the best terms right now." I said. "I know, but I know Erin will most likely be the one dealing with the case. She will be there too." He said rubbing my back. "Alright, but if you and Danny start fighting or Danny and I start fighting we are both leaving got it?" I said looking at him. "Got it." He said leaning in for a kiss. 

We headed upstairs to get ready for bed. "Jamie?" I asked from the bathroom where I was brushing my teeth. "Yes princess?" "Do you have a tour tomorrow?" I asked rinsing off my toothbrush. "Yeah 12 hours. What's up?" "I was just wondering, I thought usually you got Sundays and Mondays off." "Usually but Captain put me on for tomorrow and Tuesday I got a midnight tour. I don't have to go in until 8. Will you be ok on Tuesday? If not I'm sure Eddie could come stay with you. Erin probably would too." Jamie said. "I have a graveyard shift with Linda on Tuesday, so I will be ok. I go in at 8 too, figure maybe we could grab dinner before we headed in? Or just order in?" I asked. "That could work." He said pulling me into him. "I love you Jamie." I said looking up at him and smiling. "I love you too Kenna." He said as he placed a soft kiss on my lips.  

We went over and slumped into bed. Jamie grabbed me and pulled me into him so my head was by his chest. "I really hope something gets done with Simon." "Me too, he needs to stay in for longer then 24 hours. Jamie, isn't it that since he violated the restraining order he will be in longer then my mom?" "Most likely yes, but we never know. I've seen people worse then him get released after 2 hours" He said hugging me tightly. "I know as soon as my mom gets out she will be pounding on my door." I said almost asleep. "I'm sure, time for you to stop worrying and go to sleep. I love you" "I love you too" I said falling asleep where I was replaying the events of the day, and thinking about Danny and I's fight. Danny was in the wrong completely, but with me being Jamie's girlfriend I had to get over it and let it go.  I didn't know the worst part was about to come.

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