03: separation

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"Be careful with him," Rune says, laying the omega as gently as he could in the backseat of the car. "That's my mate."

   The driver's eyes go as wide as dinner plates at that declaration as she turns to face the alpha, her white husky ears perking up in shock. "Holy shit, Rune!—" she exclaims, "Your mate? Your fated mate? What are the chances? What about you— are you alright?" The poor girl's ogling stare snaps between the omega and the alpha several times, surely never more grateful to have been born a beta by the pitiful sight of the distressed, panting omega in the backseat. His eyes are squeezed shut, he's flushed red and sweating as he lays sprawled on the seat; chest heaving up and down with every laborious breath.

   "I'll be fine, Sylvie," He replies, but his voice shakes tremulously and he's already breaking a sweat— surely not far from the same predicament as the omega. Sylvie is definitely not convinced.

   Rune picks up on this, breathing a frustrated sigh. "Vale's on their way to pick me up, alright? I can't trust myself to hold back much longer. Just get him to the packhouse safe and I'll be there shortly." The panther orders curtly, holding a handkerchief over his nose to avoid breathing in more of the abundance of pheromones that saturate the air. His scent is warm, like vanilla and jasmine with soft, sun-kissed undertones, and tinged in the oh-so-tempting sweetness of heat. The smell of his arousal is desperate and abundant. Rune gets dizzy off it. He wants to be drenched in this scent.

"Alright, fine. Just don't get in a crash from my crazy sibling. And..." Her eyes flick to the wolf once again. "What's with the muzzle?" The blond girl eyes the restrained wolf in a mix of concern and curiosity.

   Rune struggles to reply, from his impending rut and the tender topic. "Supposedly... he bites." He explains, leveling her with a sharp, serious gaze. Sylvie blinks a few times in response, taken aback. An omega that bit...? Not only did it sound primal for this day and age, it sounded straight up unthinkable from an omega. Was he feral? "Though, I don't suppose he'll be doing much of that in his current state. Just get him situated in the guest room, and—" The panther gazes at the wolf, who's busied himself trying to nest and nuzzle into the coat Rune had wrapped him in. The sight pulls at his heartstrings.  "give him lots of blankets."

He doesn't wait for a response as he takes one last glance at the sight of the omega— 'Our omega,'— his panther corrects with a carnal growl, before reluctantly shutting the car door.

   He taps it twice, and through the window he can see his trusted driver give him a determined nod, before the car moves to depart.

Rune watches the car disappear down the off-road paths behind the large building of the agency, trying to tamp down the rising feeling of tension from leaving his mate in heat behind. His inner alpha has roared to life, instincts thrumming and urgent, never more apparent in his life then during this moment now. He just couldn't believe it. Seriously, Sylvie was right, what were the chances?!

To find his fated mate at such a place like that. A conflicted feeling fills his chest; caught somewhere between elation and uncertainty. Sure, he was thrilled to have found his fated. So few people managed to find theirs in their lifetimes. This was a fairly rare occasion. But... He glances back at the building; disheveled, and surely abandoned-looking to the unacquainted eye, it definitely didn't match the massive, sleek inside. Such a cruel kind of place. His mate had likely never seen the real world. Who knows what kind of horrible things he'd been taught there, who knew what kind of trauma he must have undergone to act in a way that required him to be muzzled.

   Currently, Rune found himself in the middle of absolute nowhere. The building had been significantly far from typical roads and civilization, all that surrounded him was vast empty planes of woodless earth, ceaseless fields in every direction. He's sweating slightly, feeling overheated to the point he rolls up his sleeves in hope to abate the feeling.

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