09: pack

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    Silas already didn't like the idea of one alpha, (or the betas, for that matter) and now there was another one.

    Three days had passed since the checkup with Dr. Edurne, and his therapy referral was immediately put into place, the first appointment set for two days from now.

Rune... doted on him, in this time, while Silas tried his hardest not to acknowledge it. Instead, he opted to put his attention to the various new and delicious meals he'd been cooked the past few days. Salmon and rice noodles, chicken with green onion, steak stir fry, Rune caught on quick that he enjoyed meat above all else.

    The beta twins, meanwhile, couldn't help their constant perching and even more constant questions ("Are you sleeping okay in that closet?" "You should eat a bit more off your plate." "Are you sure I can't give you some scented blankets?")— and Silas found that most of his fear and anxiety about these new 'housemates' had morphed simply into minor annoyance and major evasion. It felt less like a courtship and more like a game of 'Find out where Silas has hidden himself to avoid Helicopter Betas and Pampering Mate now'.

    Maybe the pampering wasn't all bad, though. He liked the constant scent refresh Rune gave his nest whenever he greeted him at his closet door with a brand new breakfast to taste-test. He liked watching Rune make all these brand new meals effortlessly, liked the small talk that he made when Silas sat at the table in wait, liked the— what was it called again— music, he hummed along to on the radio. It just happened to become a bit too much socialization after a while. Once he hit that limit he found himself retreating to random hiding spaces of the huge house in an attempt to silently escape the overbearing attention. At one point Sylvie had found him hiding in the dryer.

    The morning of this third day, however, greeted him with two new scents in the house, rousing him awake from the plush closet-dwelling confines of his nest. His senses were still overtly-heightened, (the headaches were still there, too. He'd been avoiding that meditation pamphlet for now.) so the scents were made inexplicably clear. Unfortunately it wasn't the smell of a new Rune-Made breakfast to sample, in fact there was no Rune at the door to have woken him up.

Drowsy, he rubs at an eye and crawls his way out of the closet. Tired and curious, he's already halfway down the stairs when he takes another whiff and— uh-oh.

Oak, strawberry, and the sharp, unmistakable edge of alpha. He smells this one before he also smells another beta, and if that doesn't wake him up he doesn't know what will. Another one?? He thinks, Another alpha?? Just as he's ready to whip around make a break for it, he remembers. The first day, after he'd gotten back from the doctor. Rune was making that small talk again, while he was cooking dinner, while Silas shifted in his seat silently, not entirely listening.

"Quinn and Marcy; you haven't met them yet. They're the last two members of our pack. They were on vacation, but they'll be here in a few days. Quinn might be an alpha, but I promise, she wouldn't hurt a fly— and Marcy's her mate, a beta, she certainly keeps her in check. I think you'll like them!"

    Nope. Nope. He doesn't even need to see them, he already knows he wants nothing to do with the presence of another alpha. There's a skittering feeling under his skin, and another throb of a headache, like his wolf trying to get a say in the decision, but he tamps it down with a growl. No. He turns tail, ready to retreat to his nest for the next six months, but— "Silas?" Almost.

    He peers over his shoulder, still turned away, bowed over and cautious. Rune's eyes soften as he spots the omega.

    The alpha takes a step or two up the stairs, but he stops to give Silas a wide breadth. "Come on," He says; soft, encouraging, extending his hand.

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