07: decision

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    "Omega agencies are illegal."


    The four words that flip Silas's entire world perspective on its axis.

They're words he didn't expect to come out of the alpha's mouth. Through all his confusion and bated breath with what he could've possibly been told, that was certainly not something he had in the cards.

    For as long as he had lived, Silas detested himself and the world. He loathed, inside and outside of the agencies, because he thought they were one and the same; places where omegas were lesser. He assumed that he just happened to lose against the biological lottery, being born an omega into a world where he would be nothing but a body to breed. Where he was inferior, physically and mentally, where he'd stand no chance of living a normal, non-prejudiced life.

    He didn't expect that he'd be a victim.

    That for thirty years, people fought for omega rights, and for fifteen now (fifteen, that he'd spent behind concrete walls), they'd had them. He spent his entire life confused and hurt, convinced that the entire world was against him and that he was alone in his struggle— his long, laborious struggle. Other omegas accepted their fate, let themselves be forced into submission; they were taught from the start that they'd have no chance of doing otherwise. It was never an idea to even cross their minds. But Silas couldn't sit back and watch it happen to him too, and so he fought back. An uncharacteristic anomaly for an agency-raised omega. He didn't know that in the world beyond his concrete walls, people were actually working their asses off in fixing the immoral view on his dynamic.

Work that included taking down omega agencies.

Work that Rune— his fated mate— actively participated in.

    "There are places, for people like you, sanctuaries. Omegas who have been victims of agencies and are able to live there while they get back on their feet." Rune's speaking, but it's through one ear and out the other for Silas. He's stuck on the word— victim. Not 'anomaly', not 'feral', not 'untamable', but victim... "You have a choice in everything. You can stay with us, or there. But I think first, maybe we could get you a checkup at the doctors' to make sure you're healthy, get some help for anything going on in your head."

Silas's head hurts. That compounding pressure is back again, and he feels the pit in his chest sink deeper. He tries to sniff out the lie, he must be lying to him. People were terrible— inside and out of the cursed places he'd lived within. Alphas were terrible. It's what he's known all his life. Hatred kept him safe. Being mean and unapproachable kept him safe. Kept him from losing his edge, from succumbing to his docile nature and seeking comfort and warm bodies. He didn't know a world without hate. He wanted to hate Rune so bad, some excuse to snap and bear his teeth, but, he's unable to detect the acrid scent of a lie.

Rune just smells sad.

    "You're lying." Silas says, despite knowing that his nose never failed, cutting the alpha off in the middle of a sentence. Everything else had gone fuzzy in his ears past those first few sentences, anyway. Something about a sanctuary. Something about doctors. "You have to be."

    Rune blinks at him, at a loss, "I'm not—"

    "—You have to be because otherwise it makes everything I've fought for pointless!" He barks, temper flaring, lip curling, and the words taste sour and pungent when they leave him. His chest aches at his own snapping, shockingly. His inner omega longs to whine an apology for the outburst, fighting against him, but Silas snuffs it down before it can emerge.

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