06: discussion

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    "Silas Reed Hale."

    Sylvie pronounced, skimming through the identification papers and files they'd retrieved from the agency.

"Birthdate: 10/2/XX.
Sex: Male.
Height: 5'4
Weight: 102lbs
Dynamic: Ω
S. Species: Wolf."

    "Health notes: Yet to have heat cycle. Yet to shift. Behavioral notes: Bite risk. Non-submitting. Does not socialize. Rogue..." She continued on the long, long list, reading aloud for the inhabitants who sat around the living room coffee table— comprised of Rune, Vale, and herself.

    It was 10:00 A.M. on the morning of the seventh day since the omega's arrival, Rune's rut having lasted a full seven days before he returned to himself again. It was a rough one indeed, he looked sheepish when the twins came to unlock him and they found the mess of a room he'd left behind. A set of claw marks were scraped into his door and he'd all but shredded his bedsheets in the midst of the separation from his fated. And although nobody had yet checked in on him, it also seemed that the star of their conversation had finally gained a clear head too— from the fact that they'd heard the guest room shower running about ten minutes before they all gathered.

    Currently, the trio (more specifically, Rune) were trying to determine their next moves.

    In the time Rune was out of commission, the twins worked on the legalities that came with the new arrival. It was rocky, but thanks to their connections with the police and the health risk of separating a pair of fated mates, Silas was allowed in the care of their pack until he was able enough to make his own decision on whether he'd like to stay, or reside in the care of an omega sanctuary.

"I think the first step would be calling Quinn and Marcy." Vale spoke up. "Just because they're on vay-cay doesn't mean they aren't part of the pack and don't deserve a say in the situation."

"All this time and you guys haven't called them??" Rune balked, assuming they'd have been told days ago. "Hey, he's your fated! We didn't want to be speaking on your half." Sylvie argued, spreading the files down across the coffee table before sitting back on the couch. "Call 'em." She said next, pointing fixedly at Rune.

Rune groaned. Of course he loved those lovebirds, but if anyone could give Vale a run for their money in terms of ceaseless yapping, it'd be Quinn. Thankfully Marcy kept her in check.

He fishes his phone out of his pocket, tapping 'call' under the fellow alpha's contact before putting it on speaker. He places the device down on the center of the coffee table, amidst the sprawl of papers. It rings for a few seconds, before the line connects. "Hey, Runie!" The chipper voice sounded over the speaker.

"Quinn." Rune addresses seriously. "You're on speaker phone. I need you to listen to me very carefully. We need your advice." He says, carefully, tail swishing languidly. "There's this omega—"

"—You finally bagged yourself an omega?!" The yipping fox booms, cutting him off swiftly, "Marcy, get over here! Tell me everything! What's his name, where'd you meet—"

Sylvie snickers from the sidelines, and Vale fondly shakes his head. "Quinn!" Sylvie shouts, and they can practically hear her teeth snap with the way her mouth clamps shut, listening attentively. "It's his fated mate."

"Rune's fated?" The group hears the much softer voice of Quinn's mate, Marcy, through the speaker. She sounds like she's just woken up.

"Oh my god. We're flying down right away! Have you bit the bonds yet? You haven't done pack initiation without us right?" Quinn sounded giddy with excitement. She had the right to be as excited as she was. Their tight-knit pack had no omegas, which, surprisingly, was rather uncommon nowadays. There was always the saying: 'happy wife, happy life', and ever since omegas started being treated like they were always meant to, that saying applied heavily to the dynamic. Instead, a happy omega meant a happy pack. It was in the natural instinct of a pack to make an omega feel happy and cherished.

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