05: throes*

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[ *explicit content ]

    Inevitably, Rune loses the struggle to stay lucid by the time they reach the packhouse. His senses are so heightened he can smell the tantalizing pheromones of heat from outside the building, and the carnal need to tend to his suffering omega thrums within him like second nature. In reality, it is second nature. His panther is pacing, back and forth like a caged beast, desperate for the presence of his fated, desperate to claim complete control.

Vale exits the vehicle and circles around to the backseat, opening the door. They prop their hands on their hips. They only need to take one look at the alpha to know the answer— his eyes are glazed, pupils contorted into thin black slits, signaling that his panther has taken over, but Vale still asks. "We doing this the easy way or the hard way?"

    Rune's ears flatten. Vale sighs.

    "Hard way it is," They say, and Rune is all but dragged from the car. The alpha writhes and scrambles within his grasp; Vale hooks their arms under Rune's and pulls him out— thankful for the extra few inches of height they have on the alpha, otherwise they'd be in trouble.

    "Easy," The husky warns, as Rune shifts between struggling against his friend and going with the movement, like he was still somewhat there, trying to stop himself from making it harder on Vale. His tail lashes, and his claws are evidently extended, but every time he feels himself rearing back to attack, his body goes taut— mentally reprimanding himself for even daring to attack his friend, let alone his right-hand. He knows Vale would still whoop him on his ass in this state, anyways.

He's proven right by that statement when Vale finally yanks him up the porch steps, and is promptly shoved inside the house as soon as Sylvie rushes to open the door.

Vale snatches him again by the underarms, wrangling the fighting feline when they bark out, teasingly, "Nice parking job, sis."

"Oh shut up, it looks like everyday 'Vale Parking' to me!" The girl scoffs, closing the door behind them, the askew car in the driveway taunting her. "I was a bit busy trying to stop a semi-feral omega from dropping, thank you." She tries to keep her voice confident, to imbue that humorous, amused tone that she always has. But Vale can see the way her foot taps rapidly against the floorboards, her tightly crossed arms, and they can read her stressed, soured scent like a book.

    "That bad, huh?" They murmur, after Rune has finally fallen somewhat still.

    Sylvie's eyes flicker from the staircase and back to her sibling, a reluctant expression on her face. "I'll tell you about it later." Is all she says, striding up to help her sibling, and Vale knows by her dismissive attitude that it must not have been a pretty sight.

    The girl takes up Rune's semi-lax legs, and Vale has him under the arms, and like this they hobble the agitated panther up the stairs. It's a hilarious sight, two betas dragging around their deadweight alpha leader. "Do you know how much—" Sylvie grunts, hefting her ragdoll of a friend up, who growls at the jostling, "— paperwork, we're gonna have to do to let that omega stay here and not at the sanctuary?" She groans at the thought, and Vale just snickers at her.

    "Well, what other option is there? I'm sure being here, within range of his newly found mate, would be much easier on his inner omega than being separated. I think everyone will understand that." They proclaimed, and truly, they were right. Being separated from one's fated mate had detrimental, sometimes fatal effects on a person. Because of these negative side effects, it wasn't something that was often seen, fates separating, and when it was, well... Neither person ever had a healthy life from then on.

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