14: sanctuary; pt. 1

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      "Good to see you again, Silas."

     By the next days passed, Nova's presence felt like no more than a fading thought housed within his consciousness. While this development worried Silas, it only meant that his resolve to mend their relationship had strengthened.

      Today, however, it was time again to see Dr. Lumen. Nerves buzzed under Silas's skin, somewhat more than the first time he'd met the woman— because while their first session was only introductory, a get-to-know each other, he feared what depths they could be delving into today.

      Suppressing a shiver, Rune left Silas to Aiko, and the omega has half a brain to bite down a petulant trill of 'don't go?' from the depths of his subvocals.

      Rune gives Aiko a polite wave, an ever unwavering soft smile at his face, and his hand lingers at Silas's wrist as a gentle goodbye, good luck. There's amusement there in Aiko's eyes when the door closes and they're made alone together, a gaze that's somewhat teasing. "No need to look so frightened. I'm here to help, you know." She's very clearly aware that she hasn't won Silas's trust just yet. The female omega takes a seat and gestures Silas for the one in front of her.

      Silas grimaces. Aiko starts settling her things, pulling a clipboard into her lap, skimming at a few papers. "So, was that Rune? He seems nice." She murmured conversationally. Silas's foot bounces incessantly. He can practically feel his heartbeat in his throat. Fearing his voice may betray him he hums back a halfhearted confirmation, looking everywhere but the woman in front of him, like if he so much as met her gaze she'd somehow unravel every secret trapped within him.

      The woman finally turns her attention on him, flicking her cool gaze up at Silas. "How have things been since we last spoke?"

Silas inhales, the waft of lavender in the room doing very little to soothe his senses. He knows what she wants to hear; I looked into that courtship guide you gave me, I found a new hobby I love and I even met my wolf and everything went completely and totally perfectly! Truth was, he'd neglected the first two points and the third had gone anything but perfectly.

      He realizes he hadn't said a thing for what was probably too long when Aiko speaks up again. "I can see your eyes have gone back to normal." She supplies. "Can I assume this means you've made contact with your wolf?" The therapist probes gently. Silas's eyes flicker up to hers. He fiddles with his fingers in his lap. "Uh-huh," He mutters. "Yes, that's right."

Scribbling. "And, how'd that go?"

I don't exactly look all too enthusiastic, do I? How do you think? He stops himself from saying, eyes narrowing with mild annoyance. Where to begin? The first glimpses of her presence? Their conversation? ...The attack? Unsure, he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind.

      "...Her name is Nova?" Silas offers, shrugging his hands out, irked at Aiko's open-ended questions. But the woman's cool and composed exterior seems to make a halt at his words. "Her?" She ventured. "A she-wolf?" Tipping her head, now. Silas's eyebrows furrowed. Was that an issue? He questions the said thought aloud.

      "No, no... Not an issue, per se." Aiko begins, adjusting her black-rimmed glasses and flicking a puffy white tail. She looks surprised. "Uncommon, is all," She rephrases, leaning back in her seat. "Having one's shift be the opposite sex. Though, there do tend to be certain... incompatibilities, that come with the circumstance." Incompatibilities? Silas echoes, the confusion showing on his face. Dr. Lumen appears to struggle finding her words for a moment. "There are often more... difficulties, in the imprinting process of a first shift; essentially, the early stages of meeting one's secondary species." She explains. "It may take more time than most for you two to see eye-to-eye."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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