04: instincts

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Silas is a mess when his mate leaves and the car departs from the building.

   The world is spinning. He's panting, flushed red down his chest and sweating. His mind is racing with a thousand incoherent thoughts, but he seems to comprehend at least one thing— his mate is missing.

He doesn't know how long he spends writhing in incoherent misery in the backseat of the vehicle, unsure of how the time passes. The scent of his mate is all around him, it makes him dizzy, radiating off the coat he nestles into— but, his alpha isn't here. There's a vague feeling of disorientation. Confusion. His brain doesn't quite comprehend the idea that his mate has left. He just knew he was suffering, a sharp sensation of pain tightening in his stomach, and his mate wasn't there to help. Why wasn't he helping him? Why did he leave? Why was he still tied and muzzled, left unable to properly defend himself?

    There's this feeling, low in his stomach, like a throbbing warmth, an ache, an itch he couldn't scratch. His inner wolf is desperate to assume control, the subconscious voice begging 'Alpha, alpha', but he just can't understand this strange emotion. He's never experienced anything like this. The heat makes him feverish, hot all over, breaking a sweat, but the tingling, thrumming feeling of warmth down below is much different. Silas squirms.

His senses are heightened to the extreme. His skin feels so sensitive, the fabric of the coat beside him brushes his skin and there's a fluttering, pleasant sensation that lights it. He can hear the sound of the car on the road, of his own heartbeat, his own breathing, and— another person...?

Silas sniffs the air as a subtle, unfamiliar scent mingles with the scent of his alpha. The different scent pulls him from his daze, just slightly. Through his bleary sight, he notices a pair of pale blue eyes glancing at him through the rear view mirror. Swiftly, the wolf acts to bare his teeth, as a weak growl slips past his throat on instinct. The gaze snaps back to the road, her grip visibly tightening on the steering wheel.

    "Calm down pup, I'm not gonna hurt you." She says, keeping her voice calm and steady.

    But Silas, heat-ridden or not, is far from convinced. He writhes, though his struggle is pointless in the state he's in. His golden glare is smoldering, swirling with hazy hostility— expecting a fight, expecting the need to defend himself.

    Obviously Sylvie isn't there to attack him in any way, but it seems that there's no convincing him of that right now. She understands that well enough, so she tries as much as she can to suppress her already mild scent, hoping to divert his attention away from her. But, this doesn't seem to help either, the omega continues glaring daggers into the back of her head and growling up a storm, twisting and squirming in a desperate attempt to free himself. His wrists feel raw, and they sting with how hard he pulls at the ropes. There will surely be bruises once they're removed.

   Sylvie has to wonder if he's gone feral or something— but on the other end, Silas wonders if he's going to die today.

    Alongside the simmering arousal and muddling haziness, lays an overwhelming, overarching sense of fear and dread. None of it makes a good mix. Silas still doesn't understand quite what's happening. Vaguely, he registers that his struggle is fruitless. He can't escape, or fight these forces, or defend himself. And his recently-discovered mate can't help him.


      'Mate...?' Silas thinks. No, that's... not right.

    There's a slight regain of sanity, a foggy sliver of thought that slips through the haze of his heat. He panics a bit. No. There's just no way, it can't be. He couldn't have found his mate. His breathing picks up a bit, chest expanding and constricting in heavy, nerve-ridden panting. A very slight whimper squeezes from out of his lungs. 'Oh no,' He realizes, 'The heat...' Against himself, against all the spite and loathing he harbored towards his own biology and towards alphas— why would he of all possible omegas manage to find his fated mate? The dots finally connect, and it's a painful realization. He'd found his fated. That's what caused this damned situation.

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