Chapter 1

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Shoutout to Og_CoLlIsIoN for being my 500th vote and thanks to all who vote and comment. A special shoutout to a very thoughtful reader Floyd_Chaffee .
Check out my other books like Cortana's Return.

I would also like to recognize my international readers! Especially from Nigeria, the U.K., the Philippines, Australia, France and Canada! It means a lot that you are reading this.

I jumped a fallen trash can, running as quick as my little legs could carry me. The sound of my breathing rang throughout the long, dark alley. Looking behind me, I could see the two drunk teenagers chasing me only feet away.

I stumbled on a crack and ran faster.

I was coming home from a friend's house late tonight when the teens came around a corner, obviously drunk. One was carrying a baseball bat.

I tried just walking in the opposite direction, but they had already seen me.

"Hey, come here so I can give you a beatin'." one slurred. The other one cheered drunkenly, stepping forward, and before I knew it, the chase was on.

By the way, my name is Steele. I am eight years old and in fourth grade. I skipped third grade. I have short, caramel brown hair and bright blue eyes. I live in the year 2552 and I am at the top of my class. I am also the fastest kid in my grade and the tallest, towering at 4 ft 9 in.

I puffed out breaths, I could hear them getting closer. I quickly toppled a trash can, causing one of them to trip. I silently laughed and gained some ground while they were occupied. I looked behind to see the one help the other up, and, cursing in rage, they continued the chase.

Dang it, where to hide? I frantically searched the shadows. The moon was too bright to allow for any large enough hiding places.

I turned a corner onto the sidewalk of the next street and ran across the road. Mayb... My thought was interrupted as I stepped in a puddle. It was slicker than I had expected. My feet slid out from under me and I let out a short, "Aaah!"

I slid under some tape and into an open man-hole. I twisted and my back hit the ladder, and then I splashed into the dirty water.

It got in my mouth and as I sat up, my back ached terribly. I groaned and stuck out my tongue to keep the disgusting water from spreading in my mouth. Yuck! However, I froze in mid spit as the teen's footsteps came closer. I held my breath....the footsteps got quieter as they got farther away. I let out my breath and looked up the ladder, starting the climb up and trying not to touch as much of the slime covered bars as possible. My little arms could barely reach the next rung.

I pulled myself out onto the ground, panting for a moment. I caught a whiff of myself and held my nose. What an awful stench. My back still hurt too. I looked up at the sky and saw the moon was directly above me, seeming to grin at my misfortune. Ugh, I wish I was older.

I got up and headed home, my shoes squishing loudly. I finally arrived at the driveway of my house, my dripping feet leaving a trail of wet shoeprints. Looking at the rows of bushes down the street, I noticed that the neighbor's trash was out. Man, I forgot, it's trash day.

I slipped inside quietly and listened for a second. Not a sound came from upstairs where my mom was asleep. She'd be pissed if she knew I was out so late without doing my chores. I crept up the stairs and changed out of my repulsive clothes, coming back down for the trash. I emptied the kitchen trashcan and put it in the bin, rolling it down the driveway.

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