Chapter 3

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This is the new and improved chapter, the reasons for it in the previous chapter. Hope you enjoy it. DM me for the original if you want.

1 week later

Today we would go on our first assignment. I had received my schedule and it was the only thing on today's agenda so we had all day to rest and prepare. We now stood in light marine-standard armor tailored to our bodies. We were told to wait in the briefing room and now stood stiffly. The commander came in and we saluted. I had been training hard last week and now we were all pretty accustomed to physical expectations here. "At ease cadets. Today, you go on your first assignment." He said, pacing.

"Now, your mission is to navigate through a forest environment to the pickup point east of where we will drop you. There will be a pelican with 4 guards stationed at it that will escort you inside. Today you are here to test your adaptability to natural environments and test what you have learned. There will be obstacles you will have to cross through your own creativity and hard work. I'm expecting great thing from all of you." He said, stopping in front of us.

"One last thing, you only have 6 hours to complete this exercise. Go over that time and you will be left behind and disqualified from the program. Your suits have vital monitors to make sure you can be airlifted in case of an accident but I highly doubt it. Good luck everyone."

"Sir, yes sir!" We shouted and saluted again, filing out and heading towards the hangar. We boarded our pelican, buckling into the seats. As the pelican took off I spoke. "You guys ready for this?"

"I was born ready." replied Scott enthusiastically. We all laughed quietly at his comment.

"I think it's going to go pretty well. We only have to be careful of those obstacles and we should be fine." said Grayson.

"I sure hope so." Sift nodded, "I don't want to have to provide first aid to another person, one in a month is enough."

There was a shake as the pelican hit turbulence and steadied. Then the pelican lowered and hovered just above the ground, the hatch opening to a clearing surrounded with trees. We all stood up and the sergeant stood at the opening. "All right you greenies, get out there and hustle, your time starts now! Go! Go! Go!" He yelled. We ran out the hatch, dropping and rolling out of the way for the next team member.

I dropped and immediately stood, darting aside for Kade. The pelican rose after Kade and Grayson jumped, quickly closing the hatch and flying far out of sight. "Ok, we need to find east, look at environmental signs." I said, we spread out and Selina studied the early night sky. "We go this way," Kade said, indicating to his left. He was pointing at a patch of moss on a tree trunk. "Let's get moving team." I said, nodding at him. We gathered into a group and ran out of the clearing. "Stay close. With the fading light we could easily lose someone." I said. They moved a bit closer together, traveling carefully.

The moon came out, allowing some light to reach the forest floor. I walked over a fallen tree and stopped abruptly, putting up my hand, and Scott accidentally bumping me. I leaned off-balance above the large, deep crevice I had stopped for before Scott pulled me back. "Woah there." He said and they steadied me. "What are we going to do?" Selina said. I looked down both sides, "Too long to go around. This must be the first obstacle. Stay close but look for something to go over on." I said. They nodded and looked at the ground and trees. I looked up for any over-hanging branches.

After a minute I saw one, low and not completely over but far enough to jump. "Here," I said, pointing. They looked up and we walked to our left to the tree. The branch was thick and had broken off most likely from another branch. It didn't reach to the other side completely but only had about a 3 foot(1 meter) gap to the other end and was about 7-8(2.5 m) feet above the ground. I motioned for them to climb and they swung up into the tree. I waited for Scott to go before going last.

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