Chapter 19

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Super sorry for the delay, I had tons of homework and I had to help paint a house, here's the next chapter. And thank-you for helping me reach 2k views!!!

"Just one more thing....Got it!" Jason exclaimed. I looked up and started rising

"Are the guns back online?" Cameron asked hopefully, moving over to him to look at the panel. "Well, kinda." Cameron threw up his hands in exasperation "How can you kinda fix them? It's a yes or no." I neared them, looking back and forth between them. "Kinda like the time you "kind of" saved me." I said, mustering my strength to talk over them and subconsciously holding my chest. He backed off and let Jason talk. "Well, I couldn't fix them to where they are working right away, someone has to activate them manually and that panel is on the upper deck. I'll call Del'Rio and tell him so someone can do that."

He looked at me and I nodded weakly. He nodded back and lifted his hand to his COM button. "Infinity, come in, this is Technician Jason code number Delta o five two niner ." There was a second of delay. I didn't know there was a code. I stepped closer and gave Jason a look that said, what's up? He shook his head and listened. "We read you loud and clear five two niner, go ahead." A woman's voice said. "Please patch me into Del'Rio, we may have a way to get rid of the didact and need confirmation." Jason responded. "Affirmative, link secured." She cut off and there was a bit of static. The link was with all of us so we could hear it but I'll just let Jason handle this.

"This is Del'Rio," a deep voice said. There was gunfire in the background of the transmission. "This is Delta o five two niner, the Mac guns are online but manual activation is required on the top deck terminal. Please assist." I watched him say, urgency in his voice. Exchanging a look with Cameron inquiring on this, he responded by pointing to the computer. Oh, the data, I nodded back and we heard a response. "Acknowledged, sending someone to assist. Over and out." Del'rio responded.

"Let's get moving, we should find a warthog, the more fire power, the better." I said, and grabbed my gun, ignoring the stabbing pain in my chest. "I'll lead. And drive, you're in no condition to man the turret so you get shotgun Kyle." Jason said. And before I could protest, he shouldered his tools and started jogging down the stairs. Cameron shrugged and offered his shoulder for me to lean on. I gratefully accepted, my strength was draining and bio-foam could only do so much. We hobbled down the stairs and made it to the door. Jason scouted real quick and waved us past. We were assaulted with the sounds of gunfire and explosions. We saw a covenant ship go down and looked to where the person who shot it down was. There was a mantis on the main deck. A person hopped out and went to the controls.

Hey, he looks familiar. I squinted. Then I saw him more clearly. Green armor, the familiar motorcycle helmet shaped visor and lights. That's Master Chief! He made it! Cameron dragged me over next to a turret and sat me down. I nodded my thanks and Jason mounted it. Looking back to Master Chief, I saw him punch a button in the panel and the massive AA guns suddenly rose simultaneously. They aimed towards the giant orange ball and fired. Everyone started shooting at once. This is the last effort I realized. They're throwing everything they've got at it. They fired again. Jason fires as well, realizing what I did and the noise is deafening. I watch as the weapons caused the didact orb to slowly back up and zoom away. There were cheers on all decks and the firing stopped. I breathed a sigh of relief. Mission accomplished. Jason smile and looked down at me. I smiled back, "We did it."

He nodded. "Couldn't have done it without you." Cameron, who had been on a turret farther away, came over. "I guess we should get you to the infirmary. Can't thank you enough for saving my life." He put out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up, putting my arm around his shoulder. "We needed your hand to hand combat skills." I joked. He grinned, "Hey nobody's perfect, and that elite had an unfair advantage." We started walking to the nearest door and Jason took lead to watch for any covenant or promethians. There was no need though, they had all abandoned the ship when the Didact had been driven back. We made our way back inside the ship. It was deathly quiet, the silence broken only by our boots thunking against the metal floor and my ragged breathing.

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