Chapter 40!

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We hit 16k views and 1k votes!!! So so so so so so so so so Sorry for the late update, my phone broke and I had to get a new one and then I have just been so busy. (Who am I kidding, my excuses are pathetic) forgive me!!! But here! I hope it's enough to make up for it. Btw, huge thanks to @wholelife for the votes and being my 1000th vote!!!

Steele's POV

Everything was dark, a nagging dull pain slowly increasing throughout my body. With some effort I opened my eyes and blurriness greeted me. I blinked, my visor's newly rebooted screen coming online and into focus. I blinked a few more times, squinting in the bright light, and everything finally came into view.

I was looking up at a bright light, laying on something hard and slanted. My visor showed we had moved away from Atrius, not too far but far enough not to be registered. The ceiling was purple despite the obviously human light and I saw that I had plasma restraints on. I checked my visor and also saw that my team was close by, but unfortunately we had moved away from Kyle's signal, quite far. I pinged my team, waiting for a response.

A minute passed, I sent another ping. Finally Scott's acknowledgement light winked, then Kade's and Sift's. Only Selina was still out. I looked around without moving my head but could only see the one-way glass in front of me. I lightly brushed the part of my leg where my knife would be. As I expected, it was missing, but I could use that to my advantage.

I waited a bit more. The pain wasn't too bad now, though it did seem that that gun had injured all of my nerves. I finally decided it would be better if they knew I was awake so I stiffened and lifted my head up, struggling at the restraints before falling back down and freely looking around. My teammates were in a circle around me on similar platforms.

There was a door to my left, in front of Kade, that opened. I grimaced as Henderson walked out and strode in front of me. I remained silent. He sighed and spoke, "Hello Senior Chief, are you comfortable?"

I glared at him and said nothing. He continued, "Well I'd speak up now because you might not be able to later."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He tilted his head, "You must not know. Don't you realize why the covenant want you so bad, why you were targeted out of all of your team?"

I was confused, "Because I am the next hope for mankind, the one who will replace.."

"No." He cut in. I was surprised.

"Not because of that. It may be why they used to but now it's much more important than that. When I went rogue is when they found out about you, what you can do. They wanted me to capture You. It was never about Kyle. Sure he has something they want and some very valuable information, but he was an added bonus. I used him to lure you here and you fell for it. I knew you were watching the drone, and I told you where to look for me. The reason you are so valuable is because you possess extraordinary physical and cellular attributes. One major attribute is that your body can adapt and change according to the trauma it has already experienced."

He walked back. "That's why the electricity didn't affect you the second time, you had already experienced it before so you were more immune to it's effects. If I electrocuted you now, you probably wouldn't feel a thing. Even better, your augmentations have increased the adaptation process and there are still other anomalies we have not identified as to how they affect you. You could be able to recover from any injury or have the quickest reflexes anyone has ever seen."

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