Gas/Gaz Snake (MGS oc)

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Gas/Gaz Snake
Age is unknown (he is a clone of Big Boss)

Gas/Gaz SnakeAge is unknown (he is a clone of Big Boss)Father:

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Mother: Unknown

Similar to Solidus, he was designed to be an exact perfect clone of Big Boss, however while he'd look similar to Big Boss, he would have his exact brain (containing all memories, actions, thoughts, personality, etc), he would also age slower than the other clones. He was created from a blood sample taken when Big Boss was taken for a blood test when he first joined Fox Hound which was later stolen by the same people who made Liquid, Solid and Solidus. When growing up Gas/Gaz was allowed to live a normal life and would eventually have Big Boss' memories and likeness implanted by a simple code phrase, "A soldier with no home" however Gas/Gaz later activated it too early and both his own fake life and Big Boss' life merged into one. He'd later go on to change his face (similar to how Solid looks in MG) and would leave to go find his own father, later running into Venom.

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